Depends on the device. Not all phones overclock the same, and not all phones will handle the lower voltage. Its trial and error... On the other hand, I have yet to see any need to Overclock the Nexus, 1.2ghz dual core is faster then it needs to be... Down the road I can see the use, but for now you would probably be better off running LV and lowering your core clock to around 1.0ghz. There is no point in overclocking with LV just to gain battery, if you want performance I can understand. But like I said before, it makes no sense to try and over clock something that isn't being pushed to its full potential yet.
TBH, the OP should probably do more research before he attempts anything. This is just my opinion, but I think you would benefit greatly from learning Android, before you just brick your phone and then come back asking us how to fix it a ton of times. Gain the knowledge, then apply it.
TBH, the OP should probably do more research before he attempts anything. This is just my opinion, but I think you would benefit greatly from learning Android, before you just brick your phone and then come back asking us how to fix it a ton of times. Gain the knowledge, then apply it.