Hey. I current carry around an Env Touch as my phone and a ipod touch as my PDA/music/apps/internet(when I have wifi)
However a smart phone will make my life a lot easier thanks to my new job.
I love the ipod touch. I realize the iphone is a bit bulkier but still it is very sleek when compared to the boxy/bulky droid.
Aesthetics aside I notice a few things when playing around with a Verizon store Droid model.
1) Web browsing was atrocious. On my itouch moving around pages is like gliding over air. I just brush and it is perfectly accurate. By comparison the droid laged.. it was delayed enough to make me question why I would drop 200 bucks on this thing. I mean the screen looks nice but the flow of moving around a fully loaded page just felt jittery/laggy...
2) Web browsing, google maps.. ect.. is all missing multitouch zoom? What is this the stone age? Seriously why have a sleek capacitive touch screen and not include this most basic feature.. is there a work around?
3) Can the droid be used to tether my PC to the internet? Either through USB or BlueTooth?
4) Could I use blue tooth to tether my jail broken ipod touch to my droids 3g?
5) Perhaps my biggest concern is this... should I wait? Are better phones close on the horizon? I don't want to impulsively jump into this phone and see verizon get an iphone next month. I especially don't want to be left in the dust if full flash support is coming to new phones anytime soon to allow for megavideo/youtube watching on the go.. ect.. or even an overhauled faster network that I won't be able to take advantage of with a droid.
If droid can provide me with a sleek, browser experience without the jittering.. . and especially if it can tether other devices through blue tooth I would probably be interested.
My plan doesn't come up for a new phone for 6 months but they are willing to give me the 1 year price on a droid plus rebate so about 260$ for the phone. I figure this is a pretty decent deal. although if someone knows a better one I am all ears. Or maybe I should pressure verizon for a better deal?
and I guess lastly... anyone who has had experiance with both iphone/itouch and droid.. could I get a list of pros and cons from your personal experiance?
For me personally the itouch/iphone just seems like a sleeker/sexier/quicker product. It is the first phone interface I ever used that didn't have that jittery/slow lagged feeling. I want something that can capture that.
Thanks for any help/insight you can provide.
1. No lag Ive ever noticed but you can make it run quicker by Rooting and Getting Bugless Beast(whats That??) Ok ill explain when im done
2.Multitouch is available on bugless beast BTW you Can tether with WIFI:icon_ banana:
3. Once again included in bugless beast
4.Bugless Beast
5.next phone probably nexus one spring / early summer iphone summer MAYBE
Experience with ipod 2 to 3 years took a while to get used to droid like a week or two or three
Rooting is just unlock the phone so you can do anything to it...(Nothing special w/o ROMS)
Roms are Packages for the phone you can say; it comes with a theme and ability to overclock(make phone run faster:icon_ banana

wifi tether :icon_ banana

WAY better than bluetooth) and a bunch of other stuff i cant remember right now
If you have any more Questions PM me