Thinking of getting ReZound. Battery question

jonpearson said:
Quick question what's the best power mode for the absolute best battery performance: high,normal or economy.

Economy is the best for power saving but normal should be ok. When you get ics you might lose that setting. The current ics leak I'm running doesn't have that setting. But it could also be a sense setting because this ics leak includes sense 3.6.

Sent from my HTC Rezound infused with ice cream goodness using Droid Forums.
Thx I'll try economy..I've been using high and have been getting 3-5 hrs but I use the phone a ton so I just want a little extra juice
If you decide that you want to flash one of the leaks know the risks. No one knows for sure if you'll be able to get the official ota if you do take the leak. The ota isn't that far away now. It might be worth it to wait. They just released a third leak the other day and it is very similar to the second leak released a few months ago. That means that this could be the final build which also means that the ota is very close. I have the second leak and I love it but I also understand the risks and I was willing to accept them. I'm not going to get the third leak. I'm going to sit tight and wait for the official ota. And if I can't get it I'll be happy with what I have. But if I were you or anyone else, at this point in the game, I'd wait.

Sent from my HTC Rezound infused with ice cream goodness using Droid Forums.

I should have said know the risks. Thanks for pointing that out.
On your other point, about it coming soon... If i had a dollar for each time i read not to flash the second leak at the end of April because the OTA ICS was coming out May 9th, i'd be a rich man. The rumored release dates are just a tease. I wouldn't count on anything coming until after they release the newest Incredible at least. And that hasn't been given a date yet at all.
My point was to try and suggest that perhaps one doesn't need the extended battery if you had ICS (leaked or OTA). I personally couldn't imagine this phone getting any thicker.