I know Navigation and Google Maps are separate, but I wish I could have a "3D" view in maps like in Navigation and have it auto-center on my car so I could drive around and check out the map, without having to program in a destination. I love this about my Garmin.
You can do that... and essentially Google Maps and NAvigations are one in the same.
I think the App is great and seeing that it is still beta, I think it will only get better, can't beat that it's free as apposed to VZNavigator on other phones which IMO sucks...
But how do you do what I asked for? In the Maps app, there is no "3D" view that I can find and it does not track me (ie, when I move off the map screen, the map screen does not move).
I seem to remember on my BB the old Google Maps app had a "track me" function, but I can't find that in the Droid.