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Thoughts on Google Navigation.

When I use the GPS Nav feature on the phone my car/blue arrow always seems to be at the bottom of the screen, is there a way for it to be centered on the screen, I think the GPS units I have from TomTom and Navigon do this, also can you zoom in more on the roads so the names are easier to see? When I use the zoom button then the movement for the arrow seems to get jerky and not smooth.

I prefer to have the vehicle represented on the bottom of the screen. That allows you to see more of the upcoming places, rather than show where you have already been.
Hello everyone. This is my first post so hang in there. Like everyone else I was surprised that no one has commented on this. I drive a lot. Self employed sales guy. I hadn't purchased a nav unit but had a storm (which I gave back for the droid) loaded with Nav4all (hated it).

Personally, If this is beta I can't imagine what they are going to put in the final release. Here is my Pros and Con list:

* It's familiar. Used Google maps often
*As accurate as Google Maps
*Love the search feature
*Like the ability to follow myself with the sat view
*Love that in sat mode I see the names of many of the companies around me
*I think its paid for itself in fuel money already
*Recalc is really fast. Better than my partners TomTom

*Menus can get a little clunky
*As accurate as Google maps
*No auto dim or night mode
*Would like some more voice choices (not really a con)

I just hope it's still free when it's released.
Hello everyone. This is my first post so hang in there. Like everyone else I was surprised that no one has commented on this. I drive a lot. Self employed sales guy. I hadn't purchased a nav unit but had a storm (which I gave back for the droid) loaded with Nav4all (hated it).

Personally, If this is beta I can't imagine what they are going to put in the final release. Here is my Pros and Con list:

* It's familiar. Used Google maps often
*As accurate as Google Maps
*Love the search feature
*Like the ability to follow myself with the sat view
*Love that in sat mode I see the names of many of the companies around me
*I think its paid for itself in fuel money already
*Recalc is really fast. Better than my partners TomTom

*Menus can get a little clunky
*As accurate as Google maps
*No auto dim or night mode
*Would like some more voice choices (not really a con)

I just hope it's still free when it's released.

It better still be free!! Is that really a possibility? I'm already ripping myself for the extra $30/month I'm spending for the data plan, I don't want to pay for anything else. I'm not sure how the nav compares to separate units but I used it today and it worked perfectly. I don't need it that often but it's great to have.
I don't think it's fair to compare this to a dedicated piece of hardware such as Garmin or tom tom, that's all they do. I compare the beta to 3rd party Copilot 7 software I used in my newly retired Q9c. The beta simply blows Copilot out of the water. As far as battery life while driving how hard is it to plug in the charger? There are plenty of options out there for those who want every thing right now, Myself I think this just ROCKS!
Hello everyone. This is my first post so hang in there. Like everyone else I was surprised that no one has commented on this. I drive a lot. Self employed sales guy. I hadn't purchased a nav unit but had a storm (which I gave back for the droid) loaded with Nav4all (hated it).

Personally, If this is beta I can't imagine what they are going to put in the final release. Here is my Pros and Con list:

* It's familiar. Used Google maps often
*As accurate as Google Maps
*Love the search feature
*Like the ability to follow myself with the sat view
*Love that in sat mode I see the names of many of the companies around me
*I think its paid for itself in fuel money already
*Recalc is really fast. Better than my partners TomTom

*Menus can get a little clunky
*As accurate as Google maps
*No auto dim or night mode
*Would like some more voice choices (not really a con)

I just hope it's still free when it's released.

It better still be free!! Is that really a possibility? I'm already ripping myself for the extra $30/month I'm spending for the data plan, I don't want to pay for anything else. I'm not sure how the nav compares to separate units but I used it today and it worked perfectly. I don't need it that often but it's great to have.

I would have the data plan regaurdless.
I don't think it's fair to compare this to a dedicated piece of hardware such as Garmin or tom tom, that's all they do. I compare the beta to 3rd party Copilot 7 software I used in my newly retired Q9c. The beta simply blows Copilot out of the water. As far as battery life while driving how hard is it to plug in the charger? There are plenty of options out there for those who want every thing right now, Myself I think this just ROCKS!

Why is this not fair? They are meant to perform the same task.
I don't think it's fair to compare this to a dedicated piece of hardware such as Garmin or tom tom, that's all they do.

I think it's completely fair. I have a Garmin Nuvi 350. If the Droid navigation works as well as (or better than) the Nuvi, then I can leave the nuvi/mount/adapter home when I travel -- a few things less to carry. But if the Droid can't do as well as the Nuvi then I'm going to have to stick with what works.
I tested out the Google Navigation today... got the directions and let Droid tell me the way on the road. I had to go to three stores unexpectedly (on the go, not once stopping home) and in random cities all about 1/2 hour apart, only because of traffic. It spoke the directions in a manner that gets you prepared and repeats when you are right next to it. The screen shows you gps tracking, street by street on a map and lists the upcoming directions with the ability to access further settings.
Let's be honest about the navigator...It is by no means able to replace my Tom Tom. It is neither as accurate nor as flexible. I have tested it against my Tom Tom for 10 days now and the Tom Tom hands down destroys Google Navigator.

Now, having said that, there are some things that are great about the Navigator that, after some updating of the bad could make this a great navigation system.

1. Locating places via Google is great. The amount of information you can garner about your destination is invaluable

2. Voice search is very accurate.

3. Sat view is wonderful...needs to be applied at a closer to ground view...more like a dedicated Nav sys.

Given the fact that the phone is a touch screen I was disappointed to find that the navigator didn't take advantage of this. Most of the interface takes place using the soft keys...Google needs to update the system to accept a touch on the screen anywhere that will then take you to a menu of options, much like dedicated Nav sys.

The lack of system options and integrated favorite destinations is somewhat disappointing, but truly what was sad was that Google still has yet to update their maps to show a neighborhood that has been in existence for 8 years now. Tom Tom only took a year to get that straightened out.

Now no doubt this is just the beginnings for Google navigation...Given Google’s track record I can only imagine that by the third or 4th generation many if not all of my gripes will have been fixed. But the truth of the matter right now, and for all those that are touting this system as "good as or better that Dedicated Nav systems" either don't have one, or are blinded by their love for everything Droid. As for me...LOOOOOOOOVE Droid, but will stick with my Tom Tom until Google fixes the Nav.
How long until they update nav? Do you think this will remain in Beta for a year or more?

I was using the Nav this weekend and I received a phone call, I answered the phone and was talking and as I was the nav would talk over me and tell me where to go. Is that a bug or should this be happening. Was very difficult to speak on the phone as this was happening. (I was using the speaker phone)
wouldn't want to miss an essential turn would you? i like how it continues over the call but i am sure it would be somewhat annoying if it was an important call.
I know Navigation and Google Maps are separate, but I wish I could have a "3D" view in maps like in Navigation and have it auto-center on my car so I could drive around and check out the map, without having to program in a destination. I love this about my Garmin.

You can do that... and essentially Google Maps and NAvigations are one in the same.

I think the App is great and seeing that it is still beta, I think it will only get better, can't beat that it's free as apposed to VZNavigator on other phones which IMO sucks...

But how do you do what I asked for? In the Maps app, there is no "3D" view that I can find and it does not track me (ie, when I move off the map screen, the map screen does not move).

I seem to remember on my BB the old Google Maps app had a "track me" function, but I can't find that in the Droid.

If you pull up the menu in maps and select 'my location' it will keep you centered as you drive.

I do it all the time :)

How long until they update nav? Do you think this will remain in Beta for a year or more?

I was using the Nav this weekend and I received a phone call, I answered the phone and was talking and as I was the nav would talk over me and tell me where to go. Is that a bug or should this be happening. Was very difficult to speak on the phone as this was happening. (I was using the speaker phone)

Reading the bolg on the google nav the google developer said that was a decision they made. So, it's not a bug but Ill bet it will become a setting in future releases.

Remember, this is the very first release on the very first phone for nav.

Personally I love it. Is it as good as Garmin or Tom Tom? No Idea, never owned one but google nav has worked for me the times I have used it.
Can't believe someone hasn't brought this up already, but maybe that just means I don't know how to do it: favorites! It would be nice for you to be able to add a location as a favorite instead of having to create a contact and then scrolling through your list of contacts when you want to navigate there. Other than that, love the app.

I actually created a topic on this on the Android Development site. It would be nice to have a "Home" and "Work" button at the very least.

I did create shortcuts on my home screen but it would be nice to have them on the car mode screen as well
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If you add locations to one of your "My Maps" on Google Maps, you can select these in Layers on the Droid, which will then show a list button that lets you select a location you've set on the map.