I called Verizon to complain about battery life AND not being able to store,edit or move pictures and files from the SD card..after her reading from a paper telling me to do this and that(Typical customer support crap)she 3way called Motorola support and after doing what THEY said as far as checks and restarts they offered to send me another RazrMaxx HD...without kitkat.(My major complaint to get them to do this was a Battery life complaint..the SD card issue is not something they care about as they WANT you to store in the cloud) I've got both phones in front of me now as I type..the NON kitkat phone has all the apps installed on it as my old updated phone..which took hours. This includes apps like Launcher Pro,Beatiful widgets,antivirus and other things that ALWAYS run. I went to bed with both phones at 100% and woke to the non kitkat at 98% and the kitkat at 87%. I also now can edit and rename pictures stored on the SD card(I don't believe in cloud storage..thats for fools) and I have Swype and the old blue icons.. I really see NO ADVANTAGE in the 4.4.2 update. I'm going to run them both for a week before sending back the updated phone to make sure I'm doing the right thing but as of now I'm happy with the old NON KITKAT version....not to mention IF and I say IF..I wanted to root the non kitkat phone there is a root for it. I'm a certified automotive master technician for over 20 years and one thing I believe is that IF IT'S NOT BROKE DON'T FIX IT. Not to mention this cloud storage should concern you.. I'm amazed that so many don't care that all their info is stored someplace they have no control over.
I couldn't agree more with your comments regarding cloud storage. It really is despicable!