I tried to do what you mentions but I can't find the Visual Voicemail app in the task manager. Also, I'm also trying to get rid of the desk clock icon in my app drawer any know how I can do this? I need to remove both of those damn icons! they are seriously annoying me!!!!
So if any once can help I'd greatly appreciate it! thanks!
Perhaps I misspoke, but the pathway is as follows:
- Settings
- Applications
- Manage Applications
- "All" tab
- Scroll to bottom (in the "V" section)
- Locate the Visual Voice Mail, press it.
- Press "Force Stop"
- Reboot
If you have nothing there, you may want to use Root Explorer. When your first go into Root Explorer, press the Menu Button and press Search. Type "VVM" and it should show you any files with VVM... there may be a "rouge" VVM apk or odex file. (Of course if you do it this way, you may want to do a ROM backup first just in case you dump a file you shouldn't.