LOL. Not life threatening but the issue is as bad as many are making it out to be. Just hard to believe VZW would allow the phone to be released like this with so many discrepancies. I'm going to use the phone today and benchmark my activities, now that the battery has been fully charged, bump charged, etc.Oh, the humanity. I'm confident they will resolve any issues in short order. I have 12 more days to take mine back, so I'm gonna ride this out.
My battery life hasn't been all that bad so far.
Verizon didn't want to release the handset in this condition but they were pressured. They agreed to release if HTC agreed to a software update schedule.
These battery problems should not come as a surprise this was beaten to death for weeks. I'm not sure why people are surprised. This info was very well known and widely available.
Droid--->ether--->this thread