On a happier note, I've started using my Seidio 1600 extended battery. I was getting about 21 hours total on my stock one when I took it out to put this one in. While it is still currently in the process of calibrating fully, it has been 34 hours since I unplugged it and I still have 32% remaining (estimated at about 16 hours left, but probably a couple hours less if I use it a lot tonight). Light-moderate use: games, checking email, texts, calls, browsing, market, personalizing, streaming Pandora and Audiogalaxy, WiFi, GPS, auto-sync, and background data all turned on (I actually turned a lot of features back on now that I know I can get through a whole day pretty easily). Not in a 4G area, and not heavy or extended use (I probably use my phone much less than a lot of people in here, and I don't have a ton of stuff to sync or pull data), but it wasn't just sitting there on the desk or in my pocket the entire time either (except overnight and part of yesterday). I must just be in the lucky minority of people who have been surprised by how much better its doing than I anticipated.