Dude, stop trying to convince everyone their phone is like yours and will inevitably fall apart and send you into psychotic rages. You've done this in AT LEAST 3 posts (from what I've seen). You're about half right with what you say until you spew that nonsense. I'm coming from an X2, if you want to talk about a phone with REAL issues, PLEASE go glance through that forum. Aside from data issues (which I haven't experienced once btw), almost every complaint is opinion based. I think the screen is great, I notice no audio feedback during silence that I haven't heard on any mp3 player, my Netflix doesn't pop, no apps have randomly been deleted, I have 0 issues with battery life and this phone meets and expands on all my needs. I'm a moderate user in a 4g area. This thing is perfect for me and when ICS comes out I know it'll be that much better.
I feel for ya with the issues you're having, I was so fed up with my X2 I couldn't wait to be rid of it. However, I wasn't going around telling people to brace themselves for it (even though just about every phone DID have the same problems). Point is, lay off the snide comments and wait for your ideal phone to come out. Kthxbye
On another note, I think this phone is slightly overrated. Not necessarily review wise, and I LOVE the crap out of it and couldn't be happier, but it was soooo talked up for almost a year that I think expectations were blown out of proportion. I didn't know about it until July or so, when I realized the GSII wasn't coming to Verizon. Point is, I am disappointed it isn't living up to everyone's expectations, but I am far from disappointed with the phone. Maybe I'm just jaded from my X2 but I'm sick of people basically implying others are blind idiots or liars because they don't see the same thing or think something is a problem. Sad, but true.