Touch Screen Freezing


New Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Just got my Droid 2 about a week ago and I love it. The only issue I'm having is that occasionally the screen will lock up on me and I can't do anything except a battery pull. I press the sleep button to wake it up and try to slide my finger to unlock it and it just doesn't respond at all. Hold the sleep button and the options menu comes up but still the touch is unresponsive. Works fine after I pull the battery. Its happened 2 or 3 times now. Its not a huge problem rendering my phone unusable, but I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue and if you guys think I should get it replaced or if this is relatively normal? Thanks
Mine has hard locked twice in as many weeks. It will just freeze on whatever screen is active and then go to sleep. No buttons or anything will wake it save a battery pull. As you said, not earth shattering, but pretty anoying...
Do either of you have a Task Killer installed, if so chances are that is the culprit causing your problems

BTW :welcome: to the Forum
Thanks for the welcome! I don't have any sort of task killer installed. In fact I really don't have many apps at all. Haven't quite gotten to play with the new toy as much as I would like yet
i have the same issues as you with my droid 1. unfortunately, even when i boot up now, it still remains frozen. please help! i'm expecting important calls and emails.
I'm having the same problem with droid 2 I'm able to hold the sleep button then use the arrow keys to shut the phone down without removing the battery but it is getting very frequent and i have no idea what did it, i even tried a factory wipe with no help.
i have the same issues as you with my droid 1. unfortunately, even when i boot up now, it still remains frozen. please help! i'm expecting important calls and emails.
Same here on Droid 1, phone will start flipping through all my apps and will not respond to any inputs and then screen freezes stays black notification bar the only thing showing. Requires a battery pull. Using system panel to troubleshoot the malfunctioning app, this started two days ago and seems to start with updating apps.
ok it just keeps getting worse and worse on a droid 2 running 2.2 not many apps installed. really getting bad now it took me about 2 hours just to get the phone back to where i could use it I'm about at my wits end with this thing verizon and motorolla should both be embarassed to have there names on it as far as I'm concerned:icon_cussing:
Just got my Droid 2 about a week ago and I love it. The only issue I'm having is that occasionally the screen will lock up on me and I can't do anything except a battery pull. I press the sleep button to wake it up and try to slide my finger to unlock it and it just doesn't respond at all. Hold the sleep button and the options menu comes up but still the touch is unresponsive. Works fine after I pull the battery. Its happened 2 or 3 times now. Its not a huge problem rendering my phone unusable, but I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue and if you guys think I should get it replaced or if this is relatively normal? Thanks

I've had my R2D2 Droid - annoying little thing for almost 3 weeks and it began freezing one week after it arrived. It's RIDICULOUS!! I read some of the other postings and although I do have several apps installed, I do not have "Task Killer" - the apps I have installed are the same that were on my BB Storm 2 (the #1 WORST phone of all time - 1st is the BB World Edition and 2nd the BB Storm)

The phone is EXTREMELY slow in responding to any type of touch when it DOES open an app ... meaning it takes about 30 seconds or longer to actually open.

Let me go a step further - when an app IS open, whether it's SMS, email or just editing a contact, the screen decides to freeze. I've done many soft reboots which only temporarily solve the problem. Doing this more than once a month would be considered excessive. Several times a day is OUT of the question!

Verizon, get your act together!!
Mystery girl, write them an email...they sent me a new phone no questions asked. I'm still a little iffy about putting too much on it but its been way trouble free for about 2weeks now
Freeeeeeeezingggg Droid

Mystery girl, write them an email...they sent me a new phone no questions asked. I'm still a little iffy about putting too much on it but its been way trouble free for about 2weeks now

Thank you for the quick reply. Usually I just call tech support, but in this case I am now considering the Samsung model - I purchased a Droid 2 approx 10 days before this model and have sent a text message to the kidlet to see if it's running properly. (Just got the response and it is - he does a soft reboot every few days.)

We're all Mac users and the Droid is not very "Mac Friendly" but because of my tech knowlege I know that this will only get worse. I've been with Verizon for many years and have had some phones replaced.
I was having the exact same issues. My screen would become unresponsive as well, especially during texting. Several factory resets, soft resets, and battery pulls did no justice. Finally went up to VZW and they gave me a replacement. It was working fine for a while, but this is BS. I'm thinking of just exchanging it for the Incredible. This is unacceptable.
Droid X same issue just today

Just as I've fallen madly in love with this baby, she starts going all icy on me. :icon_evil:
Screen freezes and battery pulls do not a long-term relationship make. I hope she warms up to me. :heart:
So disappointed NEVER AGAIN

I am on my sixth Droid and I've had basically the same issues with all six of them. It is obvious that there is nothing being done to fix any of these problems. The screen freezing up is a huge problem. I have went without loading any apps for weeks on some of these phones and the problems still occur. I am fee up been told it is this app or that app that is causing the problem. That's why I loaded nothing and I still have the problems.
I would go as far as to say that the phones are almost useless. It is sad that customer service is virtually non existent
One thing i noticed with my recent freezes was that if i switched to airplane mode then it went back to normal. somewhere there is an app that is causing this, because it only happens with network access. Nothing new was added in days prior - must have been an automatic update to an app.