Touch Zoom Scrolls Down Page Instead of Selecting?


New Member
Dec 1, 2009
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Has anyone experienced when you select something on the touchscreen, and the phone suddenly zooms down to the bottom of the whatever page you were looking at, like it misinterpreted your touch press for a swipe?
I have experienced same thing, yet compared to other annoyances (connectivity issues), this one I fo not dwell on.
Yeah I notice it a few times a day... if you use a longer touch rather than just a brief tap, it'll help alleviate the issue (more often than not anyway haha).
Happens to me pretty frequently. I assume when we touch it our finger moves the slightest bit which causes it to super scroll...
Never happens on my iPod Touch, so I think there should be some kind of leeway or amount our finger has to move before triggering scrolling...
Happens to me once in a great while. Not really an inconvenience though since I almost never see it. Device is still an INFANT so haven't worried too much about it.
Happens to me ALL the time. The weird thing is it only shoots down to the bottom. Never scrolls up. Very annoying. Hope it's fixed soon.....
Yeah, it's a minor annoyance, but I was experiencing other touch and keyboard weirdness that are probably all software bugs.
happens to me too. Thought I was the only one. Maybe will get fixed with upcoming OTA update
Happens to me all the time. Very annoying, specially when it does it over and over on the same screen. *Tap, Scroll up, Tap, Scoll up, tap, Scroll up, Tap.. YAY! I got it*

I feel like I passed a test or something when I finally get it work work.
It's a technique issue, not a hardware or software issue. What you (we) are doing is called a Flick, by accident. From the Droid manual:

It's a technique issue, not a hardware or software issue. What you (we) are doing is called a Flick, by accident. From the Droid manual:

Wrong. Anyone posting here knows the difference as well as anyone who has used an iPhone or iTouch. This is not a user error issue.
It's a technique issue, not a hardware or software issue. What you (we) are doing is called a Flick, by accident. From the Droid manual:

Wrong. Anyone posting here knows the difference as well as anyone who has used an iPhone or iTouch. This is not a user error issue.

This here aint no iPhone or iTouch. Get over yourself. Your not as good with your finger as you think you are :)
Definitely a minor annoyance for me, too. And it's definitely not an accidental flick. With a flick, you can see the scrolling and stop it any time. This problem just puts you instantly at the bottom of the screen with no scrolling visible. The funny thing is, it could actually be a useful feature if I knew how to consistently activate it only when I wanted it.