Touch Zoom Scrolls Down Page Instead of Selecting?

For me it is actually scrolling, and I attribute that to a minute flick that is imperceptible to me but obvious to a computer. The 'flick' gesture sensitivity could be dialed down a bit imo.
It's not a technique issue it is a known bug, been talked about since day one over at HoFo.
Sounds like we are looking at two very similar issues then. Mine is indeed scrolling down, and I can stop it with another tap. I have never seen it just instantly flash to the bottom of a page.
Happens to me, but not too much. One time I had it on my table and had steady hands while using it when it happened. Never occurred to me it was thinking I used a flick. It feels like a bug to me, but isn't bad enough to outweigh the phone being as awesome as it is.
It's a technique issue, not a hardware or software issue. What you (we) are doing is called a Flick, by accident. From the Droid manual:

Wrong. Anyone posting here knows the difference as well as anyone who has used an iPhone or iTouch. This is not a user error issue.

This here aint no iPhone or iTouch. Get over yourself. Your not as good with your finger as you think you are :)

Sounds like we are looking at two very similar issues then. Mine is indeed scrolling down, and I can stop it with another tap. I have never seen it just instantly flash to the bottom of a page.

Why are you defending a tech issue that you obviously have a problem with also? Does it make you feel good when you talk down to others?
be careful you are only touching it with one finger at a time, if you have two fingers on the screen it will get confused and jumps between the two fingers if one slightly rises off the screen
Why are you defending a tech issue that you obviously have a problem with also? Does it make you feel good when you talk down to others?

Sure, why not, it seems to work for you :icon_ poke:

Wrong. Anyone posting here knows the difference as well as anyone who has used an iPhone or iTouch

Relax, my's just a phone.
