Concerning the line in the tutorial, "ROMs are usually deodexed so one can use custom themes"; is that to say that your themes are generally deodexed when I download them, or is that something I have to do post-flash? (forgive my ignorance here, or if I missed something scanning the threads on deodexing... I'll be the first to admit being a complete nub...)
EDIT: I already downloaded xUltimate2.2.2 and scanned through the thread on it, but I'm guessing that's not going to work if I have to deodex the ROM post-flash...? :icon_eek: (I'm running the new FRF91 v1.1 flashed over 1.0 as of a couple hours ago)
EDIT: I already downloaded xUltimate2.2.2 and scanned through the thread on it, but I'm guessing that's not going to work if I have to deodex the ROM post-flash...? :icon_eek: (I'm running the new FRF91 v1.1 flashed over 1.0 as of a couple hours ago)