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Tweaked theme and apps

Yea... dont zip align.... :) do a wipe and that will fix it

did it! works great so far. I'm now trying to find the "change droid name" post when your first one had "jp wireless" on lock screen. your link for it is dead. any ideas?

oh and tried the blackfacebook widget and was unable to get it. had trouble uninstalling facebook app. i made sure system was r/w before and tried deleting the file through super manager and gscripts...

danke schoen :icon_ banana:
use root explorer and go into ur /system /app folder
(or use SuperManager found in the market for free if you dont want to pay for root explorer)

Delete facebook if not already deleted

then go to terminal and type the following after placing the Facebook.apk on the root of ur sdcard

sys -rw
cp /sdcard/Facebook.apk /system/app
sys -ro

and ur done
here are instruction to changing the name of ur droid... dropbox suspended me LOL so that link work anyway

What you need to download on your phone:
1. Android Terminal Emulator from jack palevich (free market)
2. Root explorer from speed software (paid but worth it market)

What you need on your computer:
1. HxD hex editor application (google it)
2. 7zip application (google it)

Here is the guide:
1. Go into root explorer navigate to system/framework
2. Hit mount r/w on top then hold and copy framework-res.apk
3. Paste framework-res.apk on root of sdcard
4. Mount the phone to your pc AND move framework-res.apk to desktop
5. Right click framework-res.apk on desktop hit 7zip then hit open archive
6. Navigate to res/xml/ find eri.xml and drag it to your desktop
7. Right click eri.xml on desktop open with HxD
8. Now look to the right side of the screen and find "Verizon Wireless"
9. Highlight the whole word "Verizon wireless"
10. While highlighted type your new name..16 LETTERS MAX
(if any "Verizon wireless" is left just keep hitting space bar after new name)
11. Now save your new eri.xml and drag it back into archive
12. Close the archive
13. Put framework-res.apk back on root of sdcard
14. Now on your phone open Android Terminal Emulator on phone and type

mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
cp /sdcard/framework-res.apk /system/framework

15. Your done.

I did not even get a chance to type reboot it just did...so don't freak out lol
If you go to my thread found here......Click Here

the links for the 2 themes i mashed up are updated with the changed jp's wireless to Verizon Wireless and both themes include the black facebook on them already
U just want everything... LOL! now with the music lockscreen unless u have change ur lockscreen tabs it will over lap.... but ur welcome to try it and see. It may not bother you like it did me....

Unzip this and put the Music.apk on the Root of ur SDcard and using terminal type


and your done
sorry i forgot one step... using ur root explorer.... remove MusicGoogle.apk from ur /system/app folder and try the switchmusic thingy again

and you unziped it and then put it on ur sdcard? i have to zip everyting to post on here...