it just switches the images in each apk if images are named different it gets skipped. it doesnt port xml files. so if there was any edit to those those will get missed and you are missing the look the OG dev was going for. I hate these tools!!!
I've seen my themes ported to other devices and ROMs and they totally didn't get fully ported and then people started criticizing me for a bad theme or issues reading text, mismatched colors...etc.
While they can make some of the porting work careful that you get the FULL experience that the OG dev wanted to give you! There's nothing worse than seeing black text on a black button! (or rather, NOT seeing it)
It doesnt do any xml's and if it did it would be too good to be true, but regardless its a nice feature to have and saves time if you are going to properly port a theme. Good job Wug
Thank you!
WugPort_v4.6.5 is officially released, will port to D2 ROMs, rolling out an update tomorrow to port to any ROM on any device. XML stuff is still pending. This version supports Fission.
{{ WugFresh }}