sorry for the bump but this article although very informative can be proven wrongWell, y'all can bump it all you want, but I think that hope is dead. It's too bad that it wasn't made clear in the subject and OP of this thread that it was for a dev phone and not a superduper unlocked leaked dev style .sbf file. I just got contacted to buy a dev phone or two from one of my sources and the price is $350 each; reported as WAY less than they "paid for there's".
And as far as the eFuse is concerned, here's a great read on it:
OPTICALDELUSION: Clearly you have no idea what an eFuse is.
it couldn't be more fully explained; and within this article we find why the DX, etc. bootloaders will probably NEVER be cracked. Hint: it's not all in the software . . . .
Microsoft use the same eFuse technology in their xbox 360's to prevent people from loading custom software onto their xboxs but after an exploit was found to load custom firmware/software(known as the Jtag exploit) they successfully burnt out the eFuses without damaging the xbox's functionality
now if microsoft was able to successfully burn out the eFuses on the xbox 360 WITHOUT damaging the functionality of the device using a software update what is stopping motorola from doing the same thing?
heck they dont even have to disable the eFuses all they have to do is update the bootloader so we have access to the "fastboot oem unlock" command so we can unlock the bootloader like people can on the xoom
EDIT burning the efuses on the xbox patched the jtag exploit because the jtag exploit requires the functionality of the efuses(i dont really know the technical details on how it works but i know you need the efuses to have a jtaged xbox)