Wow looks really good!!! What is this setup your using and how did you get the transparent notification bar with LP.
Used Multi Select Live Wallpaper to get the wallpaper to set right without having to crop half of it away

Minimalistic Text for day/weather. Mininalistic Text for the 24 hour clock next to Analog Clock by mjdev. Sms Unread Count with transparent pngs. The dial, sms, and mail are embedded into the paper. DesktopVisualizer for the Gallery and Browser icons I picked up on XDA. Hope that answers everything.
And for the transparent notification bar I used the app Multi Select Live Wallpaper mentioned above. It will give you the transparent bar which looks a lot better, I mean a lot. The only con to that is, and it's confusing, but it registers your wallpaper as a live wallpaper even though it's just an image and not actually a live wallapaer. So, if you have a really busy setup with many screens, it might not work out so well. The confusing part is that it isn't live but slightly lags as though it were. Not really noticeable though. I usually have 2, maybe 3 screens. Just one here.