that was the only thing i could think of. jamezelle might come up with the solution. the app responsible for global search is sidekick.apk. if you take it out you will also lose the recent app screen and built in app killer
Is there a way to set a wallpaper without cropping it?
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am I knob, or missing something? I thought there was going to be a 4 way boot on 14 build. ( insert beating here)
D1 MIUI 1.14.1 p3 LV250-1250 w/jamz kernel theme patch. Mr_DSL's Bliss suaveHD theme V7
When I try to set up PCSynch with the Miui File Manager, I can not get it to connect with my computer. If I type the address into a browser, I can see the files on my phone but if I type it into Windows Explorer it tells me there is no program associated with it. I am running Windows 7 on one computer and get a similar response on another running Windows XP. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
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umm it works in google chrome for me currently on win 7, also MAKE SURE you type it in correctly and type in THE PORT it has(for me it says 2121 for the port).
Try doing it through the appbrain website and pushing it to your phone. You need appbrain and fast web installer apps installed.
It always seems to send an untouched image when I do it.
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that was the only thing i could think of. jamezelle might come up with the solution. the app responsible for global search is sidekick.apk. if you take it out you will also lose the recent app screen and built in app killer
Yeah I remember Jam posting something about that. I knew there was a way to get it switched so google was the source rather than global search. Thanks again for the help!
Yea idk, same here no way to transfer files over, Ill probably try with an ftp client like filezilla later.When I try to set up PCSynch with the Miui File Manager, I can not get it to connect with my computer. If I type the address into a browser, I can see the files on my phone but if I type it into Windows Explorer it tells me there is no program associated with it. I am running Windows 7 on one computer and get a similar response on another running Windows XP. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
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umm it works in google chrome for me currently on win 7, also MAKE SURE you type it in correctly and type in THE PORT it has(for me it says 2121 for the port).
Maybe I am missing the purpose of PCSync then. I can get to the file list in Chrome or Firefox, but can I then copy files from my computer to my phone using a web browser? To transfer files I thought I needed to use file explorer in Windows, which is what I can't do. Thank you again.
Not having this issue, i havent messed with the LED settings, just using the default green LED from when i flashed.Anyone else notice that they arent getting an LED flashing for their notifications? When I went into LED settings, I noticed nothing was checked. I checked "Green (Default)" and the phone immediately rebooted and entered a bootloop. I was also unable to get the phone to boot and was required to restore to my restore point via nandroid.
Yes, of course I didn a Data wipe before I updated.
I am getting random notification sounds on 1.14
Atleast once a day I hear my phones notification sound go off but when I look at the phone there is no notification. Anyone ideas, or is anyone else having this issue?
Well, I couldn't stand the fact that I was not running the most recent MIUI release. (I'm addicted!) So I tried to flash D1-MIUI-MOD-V1.2 on top of
Compcache with Jamzelle's latest kernel works perfect. Wireless tether works. WIFI works.
Rock on!:rockon:
finally got my theme stuff figured out but im still getting FCs with the miui launcher and LPP. guess ill try a custom kernel and then miui mod if that doesnt work
When I try to set up PCSynch with the Miui File Manager, I can not get it to connect with my computer. If I type the address into a browser, I can see the files on my phone but if I type it into Windows Explorer it tells me there is no program associated with it. I am running Windows 7 on one computer and get a similar response on another running Windows XP. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
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