Really? Hmmmm, I've had a smartphone for over a year and use it all day every day for viewing/replying to around 80 emails, surfing the web, calendar app synced with Google Calendar for all my appointments, none of which could be done with a basic phone, and haven't once gone over 1GB in a month's time because I'm on wireless at work and home 95% of the time. Everyone at work does the same thing. Guess we don't need our smartphones. I beg to differ.
Sent from my GT-P3113 using Tapatalk 2
When I said 1GB per month, I was referring to using the 3G/4G network that Verizon charges you. If we all used our phones via wifi 95% of the time like you, we wouldn't need to get a larger data cap plan. But when our HOME internet is provided by Verizon's mifi device, we can not simply switch to wifi like you suggest. I work for a large corporation which uses a secure, non-accessible wifi signal for personal use. Therefore, 95% of the data I use, is through the carrier, not being offloaded to wifi.
I understand, corporations have to make money, I am beyond impressed with Verizon's lead in the 4G market, I am a 10 year Verizon customer who has been loyal to them, defended their higher plan prices, and have been overall satisfied as a customer. I do not call customer service every day, week, or month. Let alone, in a year's time. I don't pretend my warrantied phone has issues so they will continue sending me phones until I eventually get a new one. I have ALWAYS paid our $300+ a month bill, on time, and will continue to do so while under the current contract. So after 10 years, of being a 100% Verizon fan/customer, I am upset that my bill will now be increased by no less than $20 per month, even though the actual cost of transmitting that data has not increased, one penny.
Bottom line is. This is a consumer driven market, and just like with the decision to eliminate the absurd payment fees, before they ever implemented it, this is a decision worth reconsidering, or at minimum, make more sense of.