Ok, just watched the video. Twice.
Very nice argument, helps clear things up. However, I do want to point out two things that I think the speaker misses, intentionally...
1) He talks about innocent until proven guilty and that we should not be treated as thieves on the internet. But aren't we? I mean seriously, let's be brutally honest here. Which of you reading this has never downloaded an MP3 that you didn't pay for? A movie? A game? Copy of Windows or some other app? Ripped a CD for a buddy, or copied a friend's music collection?
I would be willing to bet that of his audience that is all nodding their heads with him, 75% of them have used the internet to steal content of some sort or another. So I feel like many of them, and most of us, are hypocrites. We claim indignation and denounce this "attack on our freedom", but at the end of the day I didn't know that we had the freedom to steal what we didn't pay for. We do it, I do it, but let's not try to pretend that what I/We are doing is right.
2) I don't think that this is all just to stifle sharing and creation. I think that it is intended to keep others from sharing THEIR creations, first and foremost.
If we owned the materials that were being stolen and parsed out for free on the internet, I am betting that most of us would be singing a different tune than I see here in this thread. It's easy to be against SOPA when it isn't your product that is being ripped off...