OK, flash went VERY well.
Check this out:
I came from BB1.1/Nextheme 1.0.1 with the stock kernel.
I used Rom Manager, found .8 Customizer, downloaded Blue .8 along with a few extras/deleted a few unneeded apps.
Then, when asked, I checked Back Up Existing ROM as well as Wipe Data and Cache and off it went.
When it booted back up, EVERYTHING was left in it's place...every single shortcut, widget, etc. was all where I had left it on BB/Nex - I even thought for a second that nothing had changed but the battery icon in the status bar, so I checked and I'm indeed running Blue .8 now.
That was THE most incredibly smooth transition from ROM to ROM that I've ever done (granted, I've only changed ROMs about 9 times just playing around, but in those 9 times, I've always either had to restore apps, data or whatever, and have had to do that using CM Recovery, or My Backup Pro after the flash...not this time - I didn't recover anything!)
Now, is that because everything was installed to the internal memory and CWM doesn't wipe that??
Whatever the case, it's all smooth, crisp and looking GREAT!
Now, if my first 2 questions could be answered - the reasoning behind the -freeXmb scripts and if there's a performance difference between apps on the SD card (via Apps2SD) or on the internal memory...
Thank you yet again, JRummy, and now n8, for making one of the most awesome ROMS out there, as well as the EASIEST transition I've had yet!!!