Curious about market compatability since this doesn't have the "trick the market into thinking you're on 2.1" adjustment in the build.prop.
Have those issues been resolved with frf83?
my understanding is its on googles end so there is nothing they can fix in frf83, google has to allow the droid at 2.2 to see certain apps...and since the market thinks droid is at 2.1 its no soup for us unless we trick the market.
am I wrong here anyone?
A release build has different "keys" in the build.prop file (release "keys") - the leaked version has test "keys". The market apparently checks something reported by the build.prop file; and will refuse to show certain DRMed apps if the keys are not release. An example of this is the license key for Touchdown Exchange. The market "fixes" are generally simple modifications of the build.prop file to make it look like an official release and not a leaked test build. By making it appear that you are on ESE81 (2.1) the market then works correctly. It would also work if you tricked it into thinking you were on 2.0.1 or 2.0; but 2.1+ specific apps (live wallpapers, etc.) probably would not show up.