So what?
1) It will have a MicroSD slot, the Nexus won't - This is preference. Matters to some, others not so much. This is not a big deal, if anything it will be faster because it doesnt have to wait to load apps off the sd card. with no microsd slot, the galaxy nexus will be able to turn on and actually be usable. unlike my droid 1 where i have to wait because it is "Waiting for Sd Card".
2) It will have the tougher gorilla glass, the Nexus won't. - Where did you find out what kind of glass the Nexus has? It hasn't been released yet. There is no way to tell which is stronger. If this is your second strongest put down for the galaxy nexus, then your out. ive had my droid 1 for 2 years and just found out that it uses gorilla glass. either way, people are probably going to put screen protectors on their phones.
3) It may end up being a faster phone than the Nexus, looking at some of the benchmarks currently out that show the Nexus lagging behind several current phones. - Considering benchmarks even translate into real world performance? Neither phone is out yet, it is silly to speculate about which is "faster" yet. you dont know its going to be faster. it has slightly better specifications however, the galaxy nexus is actually optimized for the new operating system, while the razr is not. sure the razr will get it, but like patmw said, you dont know which parts of ics you are getting.
4) I will be able to install an ICS-based, blur-free ROM at some point. I simply want custom kernels, which I don't see coming to the Razr. People do not like taking the risk of rooting their phones, especially these two phones because of the high price. they want to play it safe, and galaxy nexus already has that. and also, with a locked bootloader it will take even longer to develop a way to root the razr and its not easy for developers to work on a bloat free version of a NEW operating system for a NEW phone.
My responses are in red. I wasn't taking a shot at the Razr, it is obviously a great phone. People just have different opinions on what they want in their device. And I don't really know why those comments (1-4) were even made... I simply responded to you speaking about the ICS update getting to the Razr "later anyways"...implying that there was no benefit to the nexus regarding software updates. I was just pointing out that Moto has taken features of past Android OS updates out of their OTA update builds. Who knows if Moto will continue to do that? If you want to trust Motorola for your updates then fine, I was simply stating my opinion that I would prefer to receive my updates from Google, who created ICS.