Try installing busybox from the market. I used jrummys free busybox application and it fixed my privilaged commands issues. Titanium installs to the wrong folder.
I have tried for days thinking that I could get this. I have reviewed at least 15 pages of this thread and cannot find anyone else with my trouble... Everything works fine. I had no problems. But when it is done, I load superuser and it says that SU is updated fine. When I reboot prior to installing ROM Manager and the phone comes back it appears that the permissions are not correct. I install ROM Manager and select Flash ClockworkMod Recovery and select HTC Thunderbolt and get An error occurred while attempting to run priviledged commands!
I even re-read the original XDA Dev site and created my own script to make sure each step was checked... Maybe I am missing something???
If there are other's with the same trouble maybe you can help me? I am sorry but I tried to review this on my own...
I copied the original to IMG.orig and the downgade to to the /sdcard/. That way I do not need to wait forever when doing this... Did this with the adb push commands... Pretty cool, the ADB stuff!
I noticed that the S-Off is on the initial bootloader prior to the "upgrade" then when I press the up volume and it goes through to the upgrade I notice the S-On... I did not notice it off again...
Code:@echo off goto StartHere echo Checking For Files if not exist psneuter goto MissingFiles if not exist busybox goto MissingFiles if not exist su goto MissingFiles if not exist misc.img goto MissingFiles echo Waiting for Device adb wait-for-device pause echo Copy psneuter to /data/local adb push psneuter /data/local echo Copy busybox to /data/local adb push busybox /data/local echo chmod 777 /data/local/psneuter adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/psneuter echo chmod 777 /data/local/busybox adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/busybox echo. echo Executing psneuter echo. adb shell /data/local/psneuter :restart2 echo. echo. adb kill-server echo. echo Copy misc.img to /data/local adb push misc.img /data/local echo Verify that the following output is = c88dd947eb3b36eec90503a3525ae0de , if not then redownload misc.img !!! adb shell /data/local/busybox md5sum /data/local/misc.img echo. echo. set /p start=Were the values identicle? y or n if %start%==y goto continue3 set /p start=Retry? y or n if %start%==y goto restart2 exit :continue3 adb shell dd if=/data/local/misc.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p17 echo Moving to adb shell mv /sdcard/ /sdcard/ adb shell exit adb kill-server adb wait-for-device adb reboot bootloader echo. echo When the deivce has rebooted to the BOOTROM screen press the power button to select bootrom. echo. echo Then when prompted press the up vol key to upgrade the device. echo. echo Finally when the upgrade is complete, press the power button to reboot the phone. echo. echo. set /p continue=Press Enter to Continue when device is back up... adb wait-for-device echo Copy psneuter to /data/local adb push psneuter /data/local echo Copy busybox to /data/local adb push busybox /data/local echo Copy wpthis to /data/local adb push wpthis /data/local echo chmod 777 /data/local/psneuter adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/psneuter echo chmod 777 /data/local/busybox adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/busybox echo chmod 777 /data/local/wpthis adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/wpthis echo. echo Execute psneuter echo. adb shell /data/local/psneuter echo. adb kill-server echo. echo. echo Waiting for device adb wait-for-device echo. echo. echo Execute wpthis echo. adb shell /data/local/wpthis echo. echo. adb kill-server echo. echo Waiting for Device adb wait-for-device echo. adb shell exit :restart1 echo. echo. echo Copy hbooteng.nb0 to /data/local adb push hbooteng.nb0 /data/local echo Verify that the following output is = 6991368ee2deaf182048a3ed9d3c0fcb , if not echo then redownload hbooteng.nb0 !!! echo. adb shell /data/local/busybox md5sum /data/local/hbooteng.nb0 echo. echo. set /p start=Were the values identicle? y or n if %start%==y goto continue2 set /p start=Retry? y or n if %start%==y goto restart1 exit :continue2 echo. echo Flash /dev/block/mmcblk0p18 echo. adb shell dd if=/data/local/hbooteng.nb0 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p18 echo. echo Waiting for device adb wait-for-device echo. echo Renaming the RUU that to and installing the new adb shell mv /sdcard/ /sdcard/ adb shell mv /sdcard/IMG.orig /sdcard/ echo. echo ls /sdcard/*.zip adb shell ls /sdcard/*.zip echo. echo. echo Rebooting to bootloader adb reboot bootloader echo. set /p continue=Press Enter to Continue when device is back up... echo. adb wait-for-device echo Copy psneuter to /data/local adb push psneuter /data/local echo Copy busybox to /data/local adb push busybox /data/local echo Copy su to /data/local adb push su /data/local echo chmod 777 /data/local/psneuter adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/psneuter echo chmod 777 /data/local/busybox adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/busybox echo. echo Execute psneuter adb shell /data/local/psneuter echo. echo. echo Remount /system as RW adb shell mount -o remount,rw -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 /system echo Copy /data/local/sy to /system/xbin/su adb shell /data/local/busybox cp /data/local/su /system/xbin/su echo chown /system/xbin/su adb shell chown 0:0 /system/xbin/su echo chmod /system/xbin/su adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su echo Rename /sdcard/ to IMG.orig adb shell mv /sdcard/ /sdcard/IMG.orig echo Update Complete exit :MissingFiles echo The following files are needed to be in the same directory where ShanesRoot.bat is run from. echo Files Needed: echo psneuter echo busybox echo misc.img echo su pause exit