Verizon Lowering Return Time To 14 Days

I guess this will encourage people to think more about what they buy...
but, some things in life we are not in charge of. as a for instance; these
companies. The good news is, if you can afford it, you can pretty much have whatever
phone you want when you want it, right?:)
What will this mean for return policies of stores like Walmart, Best Buy and other multi-carrier dealers?

It could be complicated to say phones have a 30 day return period then have restrictions based on the carrier.

Resellers and retailers obviously have their own return policy. I think the new VZW policy will also include the contract. Right now you have 30 days to try out the phone and the service. I think the 14 days may apply for both hardware and contract.
it is awfully hard to know what your contract actually will cost you until you see the first bill. Now you don't have that option. I was shocked - I knew it was $40+$30 data but was surprised it ended up being $91! Admittedly it was my first smart phone and now i am also smarter :)
I guess I'm giving my age away because really the 30 day policy only went into effect maybe 5 years ago. Before that it was 14 days. There was much more competition between all the carriers, and there were more carriers back then than there are now. I'm not for or against the latest policy change, but 2 weeks in my opinion is enough time to decide whether you want to keep your new upgrade or not.
Sounds like Verizon is on the way to seek to outdo AT&T in customer-no-service.
You obviously dont understand how apple works sometimes. lol If they are allowing Verizon to carry the iphone I assure you it will be under Apple's rules and regulations. Even something as easy as offering insurance, if Apple says no then thats that.

Why on earth wouldn't they be able to? There are several companies that offer insurance on iPhones. I doubt they have a magic formula that can't be duplicated by Verizon's current insurance partners.

That's why when the iPhone originally came to Verizon and said hey we want you to sell this they said no .. too many stipulations .. now with jobs saying it was a mistake not going with Verizon in the first place maybe apple lightened up on the demands .. apple just started offering insurance on the iPhone and I believe its through them and not asurion .. we'll see what happens with Verizon ..

The insurance available for the iPhone is completely independent of Apple (well, except for it being available for sign-up through the App Store). It's a direct Asurion product/service.
Some people legitimately don't know if a phone is the right phone for them... and I think especially coming to a smartphone (if you've never had one) and an OS you have no experience with, the full 30 days might be necessary to help people determine once and for all if they made the right decision. I knew within 3 seconds that I loved my phone, but I had also played with it quite a bit before making the purchase, so it was already somewhat familiar. I think this time restriction is ridiculous. As it is, you could only exchange one time, so it's not like people were getting a new phone every month.

I would agree there on that basis, but wanted to add that I've said at various times that 98% of people spend about 5-10 minutes playing with a unit before getting it.

I myself spent over 2-3 hours with my OG Droid on different days before taking the plunge. I also resisted the help offered by VZ sales reps who wanted to show me a phone, etc. I make my own decisions, not what is shown to me :)

14 days, if one uses it every day can (I only said can gang ...) work for some of us. But it is the whole "another phone out within 30 and I want that one now" is what they are trying to get out of.
You obviously dont understand how apple works sometimes. lol If they are allowing Verizon to carry the iphone I assure you it will be under Apple's rules and regulations. Even something as easy as offering insurance, if Apple says no then thats that.

That's why when the iPhone originally came to Verizon and said hey we want you to sell this they said no .. too many stipulations .. now with jobs saying it was a mistake not going with Verizon in the first place maybe apple lightened up on the demands .. apple just started offering insurance on the iPhone and I believe its through them and not asurion .. we'll see what happens with Verizon ..

The insurance available for the iPhone is completely independent of Apple (well, except for it being available for sign-up through the App Store). It's a direct Asurion product/service.
And, Verizon does not provide insurance, that is also handled through Asurion.
Some people legitimately don't know if a phone is the right phone for them... and I think especially coming to a smartphone (if you've never had one) and an OS you have no experience with, the full 30 days might be necessary to help people determine once and for all if they made the right decision. I knew within 3 seconds that I loved my phone, but I had also played with it quite a bit before making the purchase, so it was already somewhat familiar. I think this time restriction is ridiculous. As it is, you could only exchange one time, so it's not like people were getting a new phone every month.

I would agree there on that basis, but wanted to add that I've said at various times that 98% of people spend about 5-10 minutes playing with a unit before getting it.

I myself spent over 2-3 hours with my OG Droid on different days before taking the plunge. I also resisted the help offered by VZ sales reps who wanted to show me a phone, etc. I make my own decisions, not what is shown to me :)

14 days, if one uses it every day can (I only said can gang ...) work for some of us. But it is the whole "another phone out within 30 and I want that one now" is what they are trying to get out of.

Oh absolutely! People barely do anything on the display phones before making up their minds.

When I said I had played with the phone previously, I should have been more clear: my brother got his DX on Launch Day, so I had actually used the phone (not just a display or dummy-phone) on several occasions and he was able to help me with any questions I had. In addition to this, we went into VZW several times to compare phones. I held off on the X because I wanted to see the D2 first, but once I saw it and wasn't impressed, I quickly leaned back towards the X.

I also read just about EVERYTHING I could find online. I felt like it truly went into the purchase knowing the good (and the bad) and my decision was very informed.

But for every person like us, there's the person who goes and buys it because it's "cute" or cheap or their "cousin's friend's neighbor has it". Now, I'm cheap... BUT I'd rather pay more for a quality product, then get a great deal on something that I feel is inferior (based on personal preference).

Will this have the same effect on price adjustments? If your phone goes BOGO 15 days later, are you "S.O.L."?
Meh... I usually know within a week if I want to keep my phone or not.
I don't see what the big deal is. I know within 2 hours if I like the phone or not. The reason for the change is because of the people who abuse the policy like someone else said

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums App
And Asurion's support is ****ing horrible. Had insurance with them for a year. When it came time to actually make a claim and utilize the service I had been paying for, they were practically nonexistent. They could not help me, required me to jump through a bunch of additional hoops just to verify my ID, and had the worst customer service I have ever experienced. I literally ported my number to AT&T the same day just because I was so pissed that VZW and Asurion would not help me. Plus I had been itching to try the iPhone and this was a perfect opportunity (I was upgrading from my lost LG Voyager).

Let's just say I eventually came to my senses by porting back to VZW 4 days later and purchasing my OG Droid. :) I definitely neglected to purchase Asurion insurance because, as I learned, they're no better than crooks.
I'm just tired of the big brothers giving us less and less breathing room....15min market refund.....14 days to return phone......locked bootloaders......taking out early upgrade option, idk about you guys but I just hate big companies I mean its not like they haven't made their millions on us

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
I've never bought insurance for a phone. Never had the need for it either.
Some people legitimately don't know if a phone is the right phone for them... and I think especially coming to a smartphone (if you've never had one) and an OS you have no experience with, the full 30 days might be necessary to help people determine once and for all if they made the right decision. I knew within 3 seconds that I loved my phone, but I had also played with it quite a bit before making the purchase, so it was already somewhat familiar. I think this time restriction is ridiculous. As it is, you could only exchange one time, so it's not like people were getting a new phone every month.

I would agree there on that basis, but wanted to add that I've said at various times that 98% of people spend about 5-10 minutes playing with a unit before getting it.

I myself spent over 2-3 hours with my OG Droid on different days before taking the plunge. I also resisted the help offered by VZ sales reps who wanted to show me a phone, etc. I make my own decisions, not what is shown to me :)

14 days, if one uses it every day can (I only said can gang ...) work for some of us. But it is the whole "another phone out within 30 and I want that one now" is what they are trying to get out of.

Oh absolutely! People barely do anything on the display phones before making up their minds.

When I said I had played with the phone previously, I should have been more clear: my brother got his DX on Launch Day, so I had actually used the phone (not just a display or dummy-phone) on several occasions and he was able to help me with any questions I had. In addition to this, we went into VZW several times to compare phones. I held off on the X because I wanted to see the D2 first, but once I saw it and wasn't impressed, I quickly leaned back towards the X.

I also read just about EVERYTHING I could find online. I felt like it truly went into the purchase knowing the good (and the bad) and my decision was very informed.

But for every person like us, there's the person who goes and buys it because it's "cute" or cheap or their "cousin's friend's neighbor has it". Now, I'm cheap... BUT I'd rather pay more for a quality product, then get a great deal on something that I feel is inferior (based on personal preference).

Will this have the same effect on price adjustments? If your phone goes BOGO 15 days later, are you "S.O.L."?

Most likely it would appear.

Naah, I knew a guy like yourself would go get a phone informed, I was talking about the masses of lemmings out there, most of which might not even know DF exists :)

I'm definitely going to be looking hard come upgrade time whether or not to continue with VZ, I likely will, but will look hard at what phone I want next, that's all. No asurion, or I'll use it for the 1st year like I did with my OG, then cancel it as it would be of no use (IMO) after that point.