I hope you guys are right. My D1 is getting long in the teeth, Its mini-usb port is crapping out. I need to get a new phone soon. I'm psyched that a nexus is finally coming to Verizon. I'm curious how much thicker the LTE version is going to be.
so many d1'ers (including me) are gonna upgrade to galaxy nexus. its really kinda cool how we are all given an opportunity to separate but theirs a force binding us together, the galaxy nexus. I believe that google, samsung, and motorola were 100% aware that we were all eligible for new upgrades. the d1 was (from what i believe, correct me if im wrong) one of the most sold android phones and knowing their was an upgrade for us, they decided to release 2 god phones and a new os. thats genius there. trying to get us to go to the brand new upper tier phones. im surprised that no brand new phone with a keyboard was released as d1 users have a keyboard.
I'm pretty psyched with the options available at this point. When they started releasing LTE phones I was bummed my contract lasted until the beginning of november, but my little droid got its gingerbread from Cyanogen and kept truckin' along on Prime's kernel. Now I;m at the point I have to do acrobatics to get it to charge, I'm eligable for an upgrade and there's some pretty serious contenders. Not to mention a chance to try a whole new generation of Android OS. Bring on the Galaxy Nexus! Good times for all.
Well we could all charge up to vzw on the 10th with pitch forks demanding the nexus (a coordinated effort). Problem is we probably will get arrested, our friends and loved ones would think we taken the android thing a little too far. And the money we had saved up for the nexus would have to me used to bail us out.
I'm still nervous about the SGN's bootloader, though... I know it doesn't make sense to us (devs) but there are plenty of reasons Verizon would prefer a locked bootloader.
I came across this earlier:
Moto still falls back on bootloader locked at "carrier request".
I don't think our wants/needs/plans really fit into big red's business model.
I mean whens the last time they threw us a bone?
I really hope I'm worrying over nothing.
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While your concerns are valid, you have zero reason to worry about a locked bootloader. If Verizon would have tried to push for a locked bootloader on the Nexus, Google would gave passed on Verizon all together. The entire purpose of the Nexus is to show off Google's new OS and support the advancement of the dev community.
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While your concerns are valid, you have zero reason to worry about a locked bootloader. If Verizon would have tried to push for a locked bootloader on the Nexus, Google would gave passed on Verizon all together. The entire purpose of the Nexus is to show off Google's new OS and support the advancement of the dev community.
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STILL NOT listed as a dev phone.
2 different versions of the Moto Razr per VZW request for their boot loader
And before anyone gives the good old "google would just say to heck with VZW". You REALLLY think Google has any stroke at all in this with a still potentially AT&T -T-Mobile merger? Being that this phone wasn't announced as a dev phone, I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest to see at least a locked boot loader on the VZW Nexus.