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^ I've always heard of phones going for some great deal but I could never find one myself. Believe me, I spent a lot of time looking. Ebay always gets the best price. I'm not worried.
Well, I'm not totally celebrating, but I am tentatively excited! Can someone tell me if the Nexus One made it to a Verizon press release before it was canned, or was that before it was officially official?
...I would feel more secure obviously if the G-Nex actually had a release date and press conference by Verizon...I do see this as good news though
..Please let this happen. I so want this to be my next phone!!! It just has to be!
I am 1 year into my contract with my DX and have the Unlimited plan. Could I add a second Unlimited line to my account, get the Nexus with a new 2 year contract, and then drop my DX line down to the absolute minimum, get rid of the data plan, etc?
It would be cheaper to have the barebones minimal plan on one line and get the contract price than to have to pay $800 for the Nexus outright.
I am 1 year into my contract with my DX and have the Unlimited plan. Could I add a second Unlimited line to my account, get the Nexus with a new 2 year contract, and then drop my DX line down to the absolute minimum, get rid of the data plan, etc?
It would be cheaper to have the barebones minimal plan on one line and get the contract price than to have to pay $800 for the Nexus outright.
You will have to keep the current line with unlimited and just switch the new phone to it.
Can't wait!!!!! I just became eligible for an upgrade this month. Ha,ha
So let me get this straight... I add a second line, bare minimum, just get the lowest plan possible, no data plan... get the Nexus for contract price, and then simply switch the phones so that the Nexus is on my current Unlimited and the DX is on the basic plan?
Will they let you buy a new phone without a data plan?
If you want the new plan to be "bare minimum" just to get the nexus all you are doing is switching your X for a nexus.
And like I posted earlier, if you don't need the 2nd line then you can have them suspend it. That's how I got my D2G.
Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
The truth is...if your still unlimited, you will be throttled after about 2gigs monthly...this is most carriers...Its a fact...Mainly if your a heavy user...most if not all carriers will tell you this as well....
Luckily I don't have to worry with throttling any more...and they do this by dropping your speeds to 2g...etc
You juss been TAPPED! by the drummer
LIQUID 3.0 or Anything but Stock!!!!
To be honest, I'm not concerned at the moment. Right or wrong, seems like extreme usage results in extreme response. I currently have a 3g unlimited data plan, and will happily migrate it to 4g... Most likely on the Nexus. the timing of my contract coincides nicely and the Galaxy Nexus looks like a solid device, is the s2 better? Its irrelevant to me, Verizon won't be getting it, so I won't be getting it.
I love my OG Droid, its taken me to the end of it's contract. My concerns with the SGN are basic, and in my opinion, more important than what size camera it has, or if the display is pentile or not, or is it the absolute best GPU.
It IS a Nexus Device... And all that goes along with it BUT
Is the bootloader UNLOCKED.
This is something that, until it is announced and confirmed by both Samsung and Verizon, would be a deal breaker for me...
It was around January or February of this year. I think I seen it on here. There was a number on here to call to get the promotion. Supposedly you had to receive an email or text message to get it but I didn't get either. I took a chance and called and they gave it to me.:icon_ banana:
I am thinking that by it being a Nexus everything should be open. I mean if you are going to lock the bootloader than what is the point and getting a nexus I can go to motorola and get a locked bootloader.