@cr6 the only reason I'm using less is I've been put on medical disability, so for now I'm sittin' around the house mostly on my laptop. But when I was still owning and driving my own truck I was a data hog.
@FoxKat thanks for the input, I'm happy to know someone with your knowledge and experience is seeing the same thing as me.
@joshgimer since you are a Verizon employee, I have an idea for you, that will put Verizon back on top for ever and if they give you the credit you deserve for presenting to the powers that be at big red, you should be vice president of something by morning. How about using the progressive chart above for pricing, have them bill us for exactly what we used last month, just like the electric company and water company ect. ( No pre-paying for anything except the phone itself) Absolutely eliminating all "plans" For example start with $10.00 unlimited talk and text(per phone on any given account), $30.00 for the first Gig (1 Gig minimum, again per phone on the account) keep the data in a pool that all of the phones to draw from and allow the account administrator to set limits for each phone if needed, then charge us for exactly what we use no rounding up or down, just paying for exactly what we use period. Include the tethering and hotspot,(which I have never used personally, but is an issue with some folks) because that increases the data usage, they will get their money, just no more free money. The only reason they charge us for tethering and hotspots is because we let them, they are out absolutely nothing, and our data usage goes way up so it's not like we are getting something for nothing. Now everyone is going to start screaming they will never do that and I know they won't, but IF (big if, literally) they have any desire to keep (and show appreciation for) long standing WELL QUALIFIED customers, they would consider something along those lines. While I'm dreaming I might as well add that both my water and electric companies are co-ops and pay me (yes, PAY ME) at the end of the year for paying ON TIME every month. Using myself for example, my 3 lines (1 smart phone and 2 dumb phones) would cost me $120.00 per month + fee's and taxes and any data over the 3 Gig min. coincidentally that is within $10.00 of what I'm paying right now(for my UDP) so still no one is out anything. I know all you power/super users are jumping up and down right now, so please believe me I mean no offense, in reality it's never gonna happen, so don't yell at me, it's just my $0.02...