Really, what are you doing, watching Netflix all day while on the road, or using it for home internet "which it was not intended for". I also have unlimited and never went over 15 GB, no wonder VZ is trying REAL hard to get rid of Unlimited.
Ever hear of something called
For $5, I have a cable that lets me connect my TV to my phone, and power it at the same time so the battery doesn't run flat. Netflix, just to use your example,
uses up to 3gb/hour for high-definition video.
I don't have a 9-5 job; I'm an author. I spend all day staring at a computer screen, typing things. I live in an area where I have two choices for TV; OTA or satellite. I have two choices for internet that's not metered by the gigabyte; satellite (which is getting as bad as fixed wireless, or 3/4G "hotspots") or dialup. So I stream a lot of Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and XBMC videos.
So, let's see here. 6 hours a day (conservative) times 3GB/hour equals 18GB/day. All legitimate, approved, appropriate uses for my unlimited internet, using a piece of technology that cost me about $5 on eBay and something baked into my phone and approved by Verizon.
VZW wants to charge by the gigabyte because they see it as a revenue stream, nothing more. I happen to have something that I'm taking advantage of. If I had other choices I would exercise them. Now, I've answered your question and accusation. This is a subject that has been debated ad nauseum everywhere on the internet where Verizon, AT&T, or any other telecom who limits your data use has reared their greedy head. Let's call the matter settled before the thread has to be closed down, alright? I appreciate your restraint and understanding in this matter.