Two questions (Droid):
1. I just got a text message from Verizon telling me to buy a $5/mo texting plan so I won't have to keep paying for individual text messages. Don't I have unlimited texting with the unlimited data plan? :huh:
2. I used headphones to listen to music on the Droid last night. Today, music will only play through headphones. It will not play through the speaker at all. Any idea why? Or how to fix it so that it only is sending the sound to the headphone jack when headphones are attached?
No, the $29.99 is only for EMail and Web, no texting included.
So if you press play again, you get no sound? Does it show it's playing? I have had this happen to me before too and a battery pull did the trick.
Heey, Viperboy,
welcome (sorry, I'm late to welcoming you) and I'm glad you're here.
I've a question about wallpaper... With this wonderful's 3 screen ability, why can't we capture a picture in a panoramic way, especially if it's a panoramic picture.
the option to capture a pic for your wallpaper is soo limited/constrained to a square shape. Is this possibly something that will be adjusted going forward?
I'm told there's a way to put a separate picture on each window but I don't know how to do that just yet... in the meantime, would you give me the steps on how to do that?
Thanks and again--welcome. :heart:
ohh and if I've repeated a question I apologize... still trying to catch up on information posted here... (so much happens in so many places so quickly...)
I wish the way to assign a wallpapers worked a little better. Unfortunately, unless a home screen replacement has a better way to do it, it is what it is. And as for the 3 different wallpapers, the phone doesn't do that by default. If there was an app out there that did that, that would be cool!
Very helpful stuff from you - thanks so much.
I'm wondering if I need to use a screen protector after reading a few web posts on how the Droid has "gorilla glass."
Any thoughts on the matter?
Do you see many scratched screens?
I have seen some phones come in with scratches on the screen. I haven't really tested mine out to see how well it holds up to scratching, as you can imagine

I would always recommend a screen protector, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Is anyone still having sound quality issues after the update? I still have the exact same problems but for only about half the calls, so something worked. Verizon is having me "mark" my calls. I hit ***send after every "bad" call. It is recorded and they are supposedly tracking it and tower strength. My old phone (LG Dare) worked just fine and my boyfriend's works fine, too. So, I know it is NOT the service. Viperboy, are they just "f-ing" with me? Is this really something they do? I have contacted Motorola support about this sound quality issue as well. The only response I have got from them is asking me what my ESD # is. It is ESD56. They never got back to me after providing them this. Another person posted the same ESD56 number. Should I try a hard reset? Since the sound quality is not on every call anymore would you think this might help? I really don't want to hard reset, but will gladly do it if it will help.
Merry Christmas to all and I hope Santa puts a T-shirt under all of your trees this year!
It seems that call quality has been a big complaint and it seems like it is something in the software of the phone. Something probably in the software about how the phone handles the call audio since it doesn't happen all the time to everyone. I hope that in the next update that the call quality will get better. Other than the trick I posted in the first page, I don't know what else I can tell you at this point.
I need to view my work email on my Droid. It's not a gmail account. I'm sure there must be a way to link them without using a completely different email address?
Does your work email allow access via Webmail? If so you can use the Browser to get there. If they use Exchange, you can change to the $45/month plan to get your corporate email. Another option is an app called TouchDown. Check out that program if you want to sync corporate email also.
There are countless people on here that access Exchange without paying the $45 fee. The $29 plan works just fine.
Again, I work for Verizon and as far as I am concerned, I can tell you that I do not know if the $29 plan will work with Exchange but I know the $45 will work.
One more question viper, I have been having issues with the virtual keyboards, there are times when I try typing but nothing will be enter but the keyboard still acts normal. Even if i exit the program it still doesn't the only way to get it to work is to kill the app. Please help thanks
Software bug. It happens to me, especially with Handcent and using a Quick Reply. Kill all your apps and if it still isn't working properly, just reboot the phone.
Hello again Viper,
As I use my phone more and more I start to experience some of the other problems that people are reporting here. I have started getting the horrible call quality, which has never happened to me until a day or so ago. Now it seems to be every 3rd call or so. It is so bad that I cannot concentrate on what the other person is saying because I am hearing what I said a few seconds before in a terrible gadget sounding echo. I am going to do a battery pull, *228-2, and try again for a day or two. If this keeps up it will be my first MAJOR problem with the phone. Also, I started using the camera, both still and video, just to see how they work and to try and capture some family moments. Santa came through the neighborhood yesterday in a fire engine. I recorded the whole thing on video camera mode. I went to review it and the phone plays about a second of the video and the picture freezes and the audio continues... When the audio reaches the end of the clip, an error message pops up that says "This video cannot be played." All 8 clips do the exact same thing when reviewed on the phone. I mounted the phone to the Mac and watched the videos there and they played as they should, except that there are parts that are digitized and and unviewable for a second or two. Maybe the SD card?? No idea on this one. Lastly, the still picture quality is horrible... All of my still pictures are so blurry. I tried wiping the lens and making sure I hold the camera very still and the quality did not change. I looked through all the settings and did not find anything to help. I tried with flash on, off, and auto... no difference. I have heard complaints about picture quality and that the update was supposed to fix this, but I am still struggling with it. It almost seems as if the shutter is staying open for too long. I think I will take it in and show a tech the pics to see what they think. Anyone else have a suggestion out there? At this point, the camera is useless to me with those kind of pictures. Lastly, I noticed today that when I add an event to Google calendar online, it does not sync to the phone right away. I went the the sync control area of the phone and looked for settings but found none for sync frequency. I added an event at 10am and the sync said it had not been performed since 0430 am. I had hoped it would sync more often. OK, that is all I have for now. Hopefully there are some answers out there somewhere. Thanks again everyone for the help that is provided to us newbies. Congrats Viper on the Mod position.
Sounds like you have alot going on here. The call thing has been stated numerous times in this thread, and it is the way it is. Try the trick I posted in my first post to improve it.
As far as the videos not playing well, it sounds like it could be an SD card problem. But did you have alot of other apps open while using the video camera? Are you using the card that came with your phone?
And a tip that seems to work well for me is to change the Camera Scene mode into Action. Seems to help with getting pictures to take faster.
Is the Droid capable of sending a voice message (voice message sent directly to voicemail)? I don't see this option under contacts, messaging or Google Voice.
It is an option in the Voicemail system. In the main menu Press 2, enter the phone number, record your message and continue to follow the prompts.
Just an update on my 3G situation: I went back to the mall yesterday and found the magic 3G spot. I ran the Speedtest app from there and got 1249kbps down and 659kbps up. Four minutes later, I was back to 1x, and got 22(!)kbps down and 553 up. Later on, we went south quite a bit (from Port St. Lucie to West Palm Beach) and as soon as I crossed into Palm Beach county, I hit 3G solidly. There, I was getting 385 down and 165 up.
So it looks like I get great service everywhere EXCEPT my local area. This is really confusing.
One more thing that the technical support line asked me: I am a previous Alltel customer. I've read in a few places that might make a difference. Still hoping they can get this fixed.
What is odd to me is that your upload is as fast as it is and your download is really slow. If you are related to Alltel in anyway, you might need to call Care and talk to them about getting you a Hybrid PRL. I wish I could help you more, but I am not in an Alltel market so I am not very familiar with the Hybrid PRLs.
I installed the 2.1 update last night. When I try to get into the programming menu now, it doesn't seem to work. It actually dials and then a Verizon recording comes on. I don't get to enter the 000000 code like before. I've been in the menu before, so I'm not sure why it isn't working anymore. I am dialing ##7764726. Anyone have any ideas?
Did you mean 2.0.1? What is this 2.1 you speak of?

If you meant 2.0.1, battery pull and double check that you are entering in that number correctly. If you meant 2.1, if it's not working, you will have to look for a solution on here. I wouldn't be able to answer that because if it doesn't work on your ROM, I don't know what would fix that.
I tried going through this thread, but only managed about 20 pages, so I hope this question isn't redundant. I have had my phone at least twice now just shut down. It won't respond to the standby/off button to turn it back on, so I pull the battery, replace and it restarts. Once it happened right after a call and it happened sometime last night (which did mess up my morning alarm). Neither time was the battery low, and it was at a good charge when restarted. My brother-in-law has reported the same problem happening to him a few times as well.
Any idea? It is rather erratic so I don't know how to replicate it.
I have had it happen to me. Seems to just be a software bug. Just pull the battery. I don't know what would cause it, I wish I did though. Stability will improve as new SW comes out.
After cleaning out the deleted e-mail messages (Is there a shortcut for this, by the way???), I returned to the home screen to find my calendar widget looking strangely blank with this message: 'No upcoming calendar event." Not true. But it appears that all my standing appointments have been wiped out. When I open the calendar, I get a prompt about configuring an Exchange Account. Sorry, but I don't even know what that is. The calendar was working just fine for me, thank you, until this morning.
Try restarting the phone just to see what happens. Access the calendar from your program list. Are your entries there? If so, the widget might have just freaked out. Press and hold until it vibrates and delete it and readd it. If it is still not there, check out GMail from your computer and see if the calendar is there. You can also try resyncing your phone with your GMail to get your calendar back too.
I started a thread about e-mail account disappearing --- I'm not the only one experiencing this. Not sure if this has been address or if there is some place that we can get this escalated so that either Motorola, Google, or Verizon is aware of this issue and get it resolved. So far this has happened to me 3 times. The first two times all my e-mail accounts just disappeared. The 3rd time, only my Exchange e-mail account disappeared. Yesterday, my Droid kept telling me that I needed to setup Gmail but it was already setup.
I wanted to bump this question up again as it has happened to me. ViperBoy responded (can't quote is it came in a long string of responses) saying that he hadn't heard about and needed to read up on it.
Well have you read up on it? :blink: There are multiple discussion on multiple forums out there with no response. I think this article sums it up best:
Motorola Droid users experiencing email deletion bug - TechSpot News
I can't offer thoughts other than I think its an issue with one of the companies (i.e. Moto, Google, or VZW). There are many that have stated they have recreated the problem on bone stock phones.
I would like to try to push this issue up to the powers that be (or can help get it there!!).
And thanks as always to everyone in the community for making this a great place...
I did read through that and If I had to guess, it sounds like it is a problem with the software. Possibly a 2.0 and 2.0.1 bug? I haven't had anyone tell me their email account was just deleted though. I'll see what I can do...
I was having a problem with my Bluetooth connections. Depending on who I call, after the first ring, I get a loud static noise in the ear piece. This will stop when the next ring happens but starts again after the ring. Sometimes when I connect the call it will go away and other times I have to switch Bluetooth off. Even after I switch it off on the phone, the ear piece continues to produce loud static. The only way I can get it to stop is by turning off the power to the ear piece. It seems to be that this happens only when I call certain numbers. Also, the Bluetooth is made by Motorola, so you would think that it would be compatible.
Anyone else having this issue?
Have you tried another headset to see how it acts? I have not had this problem with any of the BT headsets I have used.
Hi Viperboy,
First of all, thanks for doing this.
I have reached the end of my rope with this problem. I have talked with both Verizon and Motorola and both of them say it is a Google problem but, of course, you can't talk with them. You are my last hope.
I have a MO Droid. I have 2 calendars on google. First is the default calendar and the second is a calendar I created on google. When I add an event from the Droid and it syncs with google, it ends up on google as if I invited others. So, when I sync the google calendar with ical on my mac, I cannot edit the event because it doesn't think I created it. It looks like the Droid account is not being recognized by google. I reluctantly did a factory reset on my Droid last night and reconnected the google account. It didn't help.
I think my Google calendar may be corrupt but I'm not sure. And, I don't know what to do about it.
Any suggestions?
I have now had Motorola concur this is an error in their version 2.0.1 and they have escalated it to level 4 support. I have not heard back.
Turns out not to be a Google issue at all. The issue is that when an event is added to a calendar via the Droid, it shows up in Google as an invitation. It doesn't happen with my wife's Eris, only my Droid.
I hope to hear back from them in the next week or so.
Happy Holidays
Keep me up to date on this. Thanks!
I would like to listen to my daughters basketball games when I am working away from home. Our local small town radio station (call signs KCHI or broadcast the games on what they call "webcast" however I can not get it to play on my Droid. The stations website says...
Sports Webcasts work only with Quicktime, WinAmp or
Real Player. Webcasts will not work with Windows Media Player... However I can not get any of those programs to download on my Droid. Do you have any sugestions?
Thanks in advace for your time.
There are a few programs in the Market that handle streaming content. As to which one might work, I wouldn't be the best to tell you. I would try doing a Market search for "Streaming" or "Stream" and try some of those apps to see if you can get it to stream to your phone.