Wow, 82 pages.
I started reading this a FEW beers and a pack of smokes ago. After a few pages I was wanting to answer some questions but figured they would be answered in a page or two. After a few more pages I had some questions. Now I have no idea what questions I might have had but was smart enough to copy one post.
Are you aware of any information regarding what's happening with former Alltel customers who got the Droid like myself? Anyone who is on an Alltel plan doesn't actually see VZW towers, we only get the Alltel ones (network name is "Unknown" in the phone status screen, there's no network name displayed on the unlock screen, PRL number is different from "real" VZW Droids etc) Visual voicemail also doesn't work for us and there's a gigantic thread in the tech forum here about GPS reception not working for many Alltel users, particularly in the south. (it does work for me here in AZ, but I'm worried about it potentially not working on a trip.)
My understanding is that what used to be the Alltel tower network is separate from the actual VZW network and this is why we're seeing all these issues - the different PRL number causes the phone to pick Alltel towers even if there's a closer/better actual VZW one. My roommate has a full signal on his VZW (non-Droid) phone, and I get 1 or 2 bars inside the house, presumably because I'm actually on an Alltel tower.
Do you know of any way to get the VZW PRL so that my phone actually uses the VZW towers? I send a bill to Verizon every month and this really irks me that I can't actually use the towers.
Ryan, I am sorry, I won't be much help on the Alltel questions. Alltel isn't available in all areas and I am not in an area with legacy Alltel customers. Maybe there is something you can do to get a "Hybrid PRL" which Verizon can send to your phone, but you have to call up tech and talk to them and explain what's going on. From my understanding, it's not a quick fix, but they should be able to help you out with it.
I noticed I do not have the Verizon logo on my home page where some have said they do. I am in Eastern NC and have no problem with GPS. I really have no problems to speak of with my Droid. Just 1 or 2 minor hickups in the last month or so I have had it.
Oh, the question, I was lead to believe the #228 thing was to update my ALTELL to use Verizon towers. I was told to do it every week or two. I thought it was to keep the phone updated while the transistion occured. If I am not being updated to Verizon PRLs, why bother to do the #228 thing????
If this didn't quite make sense, blame it on the HOURS I spent reading this complete thread from start to finish, while quenching my thirst, for knowledge also. (get it, thirst? double meaning there):icon_ devil: