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Verizon warning while tethering

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It's easy. They could say Root explorer allows you to modify your phone to do any number of things they don't like. Remove data throttling, remove bloatware etc.

Why do you think the carriers push for locked bootloaders and disabling root? The fact is they don't want us messing with our phones and doing anything other than what they can control. If they can't control what we do on our device, they can't make the maximum amount of money possible from us the consumer.

True. RIM is also someone who insists on pushing things you may not want on your phone.

Hook, do you seriously think they could successfully ban Root Explorer from the market? That app has many *legitimate* uses, things that it does very well indeed.


If it has the potential for being used on specific rooted items as well as legit, I can very well see it.
Wireless technology is now at the point where they need to just sell it as standard internet like they would with dsl or cable. Nobody throttles you when you use a router right?

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i cant believe i just sat through all that and read all 11 pages. is it just me or does it seem like every post is starting to have these arguments. cant we just kumbayah and agree to disagree? group hug guys.

i have no opinion on anything but i got two cent to give..... after blowing 6 digits at a law school

breaking your TOS agreement is not "illegal", your simply breaking an agreement. No cop will pick you up for breaking a contract, its a civil matter. thats why if you get into an argument with your roommate or landlord and they wont let you back into your apartment you share/lease... the cop isnt going to be able to help you (except in limited circumstances). hes going to say "sorry its a civil matter" which means, its not against the law to break a contract.

this is why most contract have what are called liquidated damages clauses. its frequently difficult to judge the fiscal value of a violated agreement, especially for a judge who just sits around judging all day and does deal in your specific business that you contracted over (i.e. computers, delivery service, power, whatever...). so lawyers put liquidated damagfes clauses to make it real easy for the judge. they basically say if you break this contract you will owe X dollars. and the judge is gonna uphold this as long as it isnt ridiculous.

now i dont think there is a liquidated damages clause in our terms of service, because verizon isnt going to come after you for money. they are just going to terminate the contract.....

how do you spell koombyah anyways
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Not that I would ever advocate using wireless tether but if you are so inclined it appears version 2.0.6 works with Liberty. 0.4 Not that I am suggesting that you try it of course.
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Before i got an android phone i had a an old HTC Touch Pro 2 running WM6.5. Of course there was a free tethering program available which i used ALL THE TIME. The phone didn't come pre-installed with any verizon tethering and when i bought the phone i wasn't even offered it as an option. Not once in the 2 years i had the phone and used it for constant tethering did i ever hear anything from Verizon about it.

Then i went to go buy my Droid X, and when the guy told me i would have to pay for wireless tethering to activate the app on the phone, i quite literally LOL'd in the middle of the store. It was and still is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard in my entire life. I kept going over the possible legitimate reason Verizon could have for all of a sudden needing to charge me for tethering to use unlimited data I'm already paying for.

I honestly couldn't comprehend why I would have to pay for an imaginary service just because I was switching phones. This whole having to pay for tethering thing is the biggest and best scam mobile phone carriers have ever came up with. For the average person it sounds perfectly reasonable. But once you understand that Verizon are doing literally nothing....and charging you for it, you realize how truly ludicrous it is.

I'm generally a person of principle, and because of this i have no problems with using a wireless tethering app and not paying Verizon. I think as long as people sit by and let carriers blatantly rip people off like this it is only going to continue and get worse. Next thing you know they'll be adding charges per video on youtube or something stupid like that.

fight back
Next thing you know they'll be adding charges per video on youtube or something stupid like that.

I had to laugh at your comment. I guess you missed this article?

Mobile Carriers Dream of Charging per Page | Epicenter*| Wired.com


:icon_rolleyes: lol, excellent stuff.
Between this wireless tethering, locked bootloaders, HBGary, file sharing and net neutrality issues it really makes me think the good ole days are over and it's gonna be all downhill from here.
It's not enough that major companies run everything in the real world, they need to run everything in the digital world too
Before i got an android phone i had a an old HTC Touch Pro 2 running WM6.5. Of course there was a free tethering program available which i used ALL THE TIME. The phone didn't come pre-installed with any verizon tethering and when i bought the phone i wasn't even offered it as an option. Not once in the 2 years i had the phone and used it for constant tethering did i ever hear anything from Verizon about it.

Then i went to go buy my Droid X, and when the guy told me i would have to pay for wireless tethering to activate the app on the phone, i quite literally LOL'd in the middle of the store. It was and still is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard in my entire life. I kept going over the possible legitimate reason Verizon could have for all of a sudden needing to charge me for tethering to use unlimited data I'm already paying for.

I honestly couldn't comprehend why I would have to pay for an imaginary service just because I was switching phones. This whole having to pay for tethering thing is the biggest and best scam mobile phone carriers have ever came up with. For the average person it sounds perfectly reasonable. But once you understand that Verizon are doing literally nothing....and charging you for it, you realize how truly ludicrous it is.

I'm generally a person of principle, and because of this i have no problems with using a wireless tethering app and not paying Verizon. I think as long as people sit by and let carriers blatantly rip people off like this it is only going to continue and get worse. Next thing you know they'll be adding charges per video on youtube or something stupid like that.

fight back

I have no problem as well but you have to understand people are abusing the system. I talked to a csr earlier about the mobile tethering abd I asked her "If I turn my tethering app on once cuz im stuck at the airport I have to pay you an extra 20 bucks to use the same data I already paid for, now if I dont use all 2 gigs do I get some of my money back" I was told no but if I go over they will charge me more.
My problem is this, I understand they are making a profit but atleast be reasonable. if you had a plan like $5 for 2 gigs, 10 for 5 gigs, 20, 10 gigs... or something in the ball park I would sign up. But 20 bucks for 2gigs when I pay 30 gigs for unlimited...it dont add up, except for vzw looking at the extra money. I cant see faulting any one for using a tethering app as long as vzw is gouging customers. People tethering like crazy are as much of the problem as vzw trying to gouge us for basically doing nothing extra.
Verizon should give everyone with an unlimited data plan, 1 gig of free tethering, and after that it gets either throttled or shut off. They should also tweak their current tethering pricing model, its too expensive right now for a service that costs them close to nothing. I think this would make everyone happy.

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Wireless Tether 2.0.2 now gives the warning page, as well as 2.0.6. PDANet is still going strong though, although it has weird actions. If I try to connect wireless tether, and get the warning page before connecting PDANet. PDANet will give nothing but the warning page until I reboot the phone. Oh well.

And realistically, Verizon should offer better plans. Right now they are bending us over, and some here are apologizing for them, and getting upset that some of us simply won't take that kind of abuse. Why not offer a $50 smartphone plan with 10GB that includes tethering? Why make the limit on tethering so ridiculously low while not caring how much we use on the phone screen itself? What if I hook up a bluetooth mouse and keyboard to my phone and output the video through HDMI to a larger computer screen, is that against your TOS? I could go on with ridiculous notions, but I would rather just use my equipment how I please within reason on your network. I am already paying you $50+ for "minutes" I don't use. I say screw you Verizon, go and rob some other ignorant fool on your network that doesn't know any better.
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People probably wouldn't mind paying for a tethering plan if it included unlimited data like on the phone. Like anything else when you buy two services you usually get a discount. I can see paying the higher price for just a wireless plan like a mifi or data card but when you have a phone plan which is outragiously overpriced compared to landlines that have high maintenance cost as well but charge a lot less.So give us a tethering plan that is unlimited and cost like $30 more a month and most would be ok with that.
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