verizon's 4G network just took a crap across the entire country again

I spent some time as a supervisor at Sprint customer service back in the day (before smartphones). Once we had a total blackout of the West Coast for about 13 hours. It actually affected normal internet too because a trunk line had been cut. So once service was restored we were inundated with irate callers demanding money. Our standard offer was a $5 service credit. One guy had been cursing out my customer service rep so I took over the call: I gave him the standard apology and offered him the $5 which he said was like a slap in the face. He had business deals! OMG! He said he wanted to be compensated for all the time he was without service. After suggesting he take the $5 he decided to fight so I gave him what he wanted: I refunded him for all the time he was without service. I even rounded it up from 13 hours to a full day of refund. He ended up getting about $3 instead of the 5 when I was forced to disconnect the call due to profanity.

He was probably better off missing those business calls, because while on the phone with me he talked away 40% of the credit that was coming to him. Oh well.
I switched mine to 3g only until the network is back online. This is what the second time in 2 weeks that 4g devices have lost all connectivity even to 3g. My D3 is working just fine but my GNex sits there taunting me going HAHA....
I spent some time as a supervisor at Sprint customer service back in the day (before smartphones). Once we had a total blackout of the West Coast for about 13 hours. It actually affected normal internet too because a trunk line had been cut. So once service was restored we were inundated with irate callers demanding money. Our standard offer was a $5 service credit. One guy had been cursing out my customer service rep so I took over the call: I gave him the standard apology and offered him the $5 which he said was like a slap in the face. He had business deals! OMG! He said he wanted to be compensated for all the time he was without service. After suggesting he take the $5 he decided to fight so I gave him what he wanted: I refunded him for all the time he was without service. I even rounded it up from 13 hours to a full day of refund. He ended up getting about $3 instead of the 5 when I was forced to disconnect the call due to profanity.

He was probably better off missing those business calls, because while on the phone with me he talked away 40% of the credit that was coming to him. Oh well.

Some people are just idiots... I dont see how cussing out a CSR is going to help make your case at all...not like they control the backbone themselves.
Ahhhh... no wonder why my battery life is much improved do far this morning, its 3G only right now. :haha:
4G back in NYC.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
I have 3G but yeah, 4g is down still. Damn aliens.

Writing this my 3g went out.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
In Michigan bouncing in and out of 3g have not seen 4G at all today.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Wow. coincidentally, it happened just as I was flashing a new rom. I also thought I killed my gn.
I live in so. cal, and 3/4g appears to be down for me as of now.
(or I really did kill my phone)

~Sent from my desktop PC
3g is down in central Illinois, was glad to find people posting about this, thought my phone may have had issues...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Wow. coincidentally, it happened just as I was flashing a new rom. I also thought I killed my gn.
I live in so. cal, and 3/4g appears to be down for me as of now.
(or I really did kill my phone)

~Sent from my desktop PC
Same here. 3G is back on in so cal.