Verizon is investing in marketing for the Droid Incredible a lot lately, and the Incredible is buy one get one free @, no doubt they're getting ready to release the Droid Incredible HD in the next month or so (by getting rid of their stock of Droid Incredibles). My guess is the Incredible HD will come out around or on Black Friday.
This is almost certainly going to be Verizon's first phone with a front-facing camera.
As for the Motorola T2, I give up, some websites say Q1 2011, some say December, frankly I don't care, I think htc is a better choice (htc Sense!), just think of what kind of battery life this T2 is gonna have. The EVO 4G's is pretty bad and it has I believe a Snapdragon... Besides, I never liked MotoBlur or Motorola as a company, just personal preference.
Anyway, not to sound hypocritical, but if they can figure out how to use a Tegra 2 on a smartphone without using a car battery, I'm all for it, and hope to see it in the htc Droid Incredible HD.