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Exactly where do I get the tools that he mentions here because I never got the sdk files nor will it let me just run commands to my phone through command prompt. Im a newbie so any help would be appreciated.
Too late to downgrade if 2.2 has d/l but not installed?
Will this downgrade still save me if 2.2 has downloaded onto the phone but I haven't yet installed it? I thought 2.2 might try to install automatically when the phone is rebooting or restarting during the downgrade process, or will it only try to install 2.2 when I give it the OK to do it.
I tried to unroot and remove SuperUser/Clockwork Recovery by doing this downgrade. I have firmware version 2.1-update1 - unfortunately when I did this, I got a message after it checked for the zip file and found it: "Update failed! Main version older!"
-When the phone is booting the message is "No image or wrong length".
-If I reboot normally, I get status messages:
Preparing phone storage
Preparing SD card
Blank SD card
I've attached a screen shot showing the phone attached to my machine and being on the SD card (named HTC SD, during format as FAT32).
What would make the Incredible not see that file on the SD Card?
I had the same problem and had to boot up a Windows machine and re-format my SD card at FAT32, then put the on it. Doing the FAT32 format from OS X didn't fix the problem.
This will remove Root and Custom Recovery (Clockwork) from your handset.
1. Place on root of SD Card
2. Reboot
3. Hold Down Vol Down into HBoot
4. It will ask if you want to update
5. Select Up to accept
6. Wait..........
7. it'll finish updating and ask to reboot
8. select vol + to choose yes
9. Done
I tried this twice after verizon updated my droid today to 2.2. It is telling me the file is older then whats installed and wont go further. Have you had a run in with this yet?
I am having an issue I have not read about. The file initially loads and the bar on the corner right loads. Instead of asking to update it just goes back to the default screen.
I have tried taking out the sd card and formating it and tried redownloading the zip file from the mirrors and the one posted on the 2nd or 3rd page.
Followed the second video to a T and when going into recovery and being told to click on partition menu and click on mount system that does not show. The only thing at the bottom is
Thanks for the information. Seems I can't get a good download anywhere. The "HTC Droid Incredible" file is fine. The included file from all the download links seems to be corrupted. Does anyone have a working download file set somewhere they can point me to?
1. Place on root of sd card
2. Reboot
3. Hold down vol down into hboot
4. It will ask if you want to update
5. Select up to accept
6. Wait..........
7. It'll finish updating and ask to reboot
8. Select vol + to choose yes
9. Done
if you installed leaked ota then use this video to downgrade
1. Place on root of sd card
2. Reboot
3. Hold down vol down into hboot
4. It will ask if you want to update
5. Select up to accept
6. Wait..........
7. It'll finish updating and ask to reboot
8. Select vol + to choose yes
9. Done
if you installed leaked ota then use this video to downgrade