Vlingo: Words to Action for Android


May 4, 2010
Reaction score
Vlingo: Words to Action. Vlingo brings the accuracy and intelligence to turn your words into action. Simply tap the home screen widget and speak to send texts & emails, update Twitter, dial & much more. Vlingo even speaks incoming txts & emails while you drive.

  • Voice control for Android smartphones
  • Update: Vlingo InCar feature added!
  • Brilliantly accurate voice to text app allowing you to speak text messages, email, dial, tweet, and more
  • Speaks incoming text messages and emails, great while driving
  • Super Dialer searches businesses aggregating address, maps, navigation, phone number information and more
  • Can be integrated with any text input

  • The Vlingo app does a great job of using the intelligence and accuracy of the Android operating system to help you text and call without ever having to press anything on your phone
  • There is a simple little widget that goes on the home screen that you can tap in order to speak and send all of your emails and text messages
  • You can also update your Twitter account, dial and do a whole lot more with only using your voice
  • There is a Safe Reader function where the app will also read your emails and your text messages back to you so that you can go hands free
  • The voice to text app is extremely accurate and you will love that it allows you drive without ever having to look at your phone to communicate with other people
  • There is a super dialer feature that will allow you to search for businesses and get maps, phone number info, address, and even navigation on how to get there
  • You can also integrate this app with any text input that is on your phone
Do you like this app on you android? show your comments here
Voice Command/Dial needs to go through Bluetooth with voice prompt/confirmation and this app would be perfect. It does work better than anything out there at the moment but it would be nice to use BT to dial while the phone is holstered or in a noisy environment.
Vlingo is my main app of the day. I love the heck out of it.

My favorite part is the new "InCar" screen which is somewhat of a replacement for the normal Google CarHome but with voice control. When it is running you can say "Hey Vlingo" at any time and it responds asking you what you want. I use this every day but not only in the car! The other day I was having SMS conversations for an hour and didnt pick up my phone once! Someone texts me, their message is read aloud, then I say "Hey Vlingo... Text Bob... That is so cool man!".

It has a few small issues to be worked out in my opinion, but for s free app that does all that is does, it's amazing. My iPhone friend downloaded this app and he can't send messages without paying, and my BlackBerry buddy can only do a few things on the free version and has to pay 20 bucks to get a fully functioning version. Ours is free and has more options... GO ANDROID!
Got an update for Vlingo this morning when I woke up. It should be mandatory for apps to tell you WHY it was updated... time to search around.
Got an update for Vlingo this morning when I woke up. It should be mandatory for apps to tell you WHY it was updated... time to search around.

You can always de-select "allow automatic updates" then you will need to OK the update. If an app does not tell you why it is updating you can go to the developers web site and view the change log.
I just got this app last nght and I think its a good one. Still learning how to use it, but so far so good. I set it up to say "what he hell do you want". My kids got a kick out of it.
I love this app and I use it every time I drive. The only issue I have is that when the safe reader reads my texts or emails it does not stop the media (music, podcast) like google nav does. I hope future updates fixes that problem.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums App
I too really like this program. Im a bit worried about the beta stage though. On every other non android phone they charge $19.95. I fear in the not too distant future they will be asking for my 20 bux as well. As much as I like this app I dont think they should be charging 20 bux for it.
Cross-post from the news thread:

I really want to use this for Note to self but it opens up a web browser instead of sending a message to... myself. I saw on their website that you need to set up the type of message and where to send it, but my options don't have those settings. Any ideas?
Cross-post from the news thread:

I really want to use this for Note to self but it opens up a web browser instead of sending a message to... myself. I saw on their website that you need to set up the type of message and where to send it, but my options don't have those settings. Any ideas?

1) No need to cross post. it is bad enough that there are two threads on this app. We don't need to see the same posts in both threads if we are following them.

2) Where on Vlingo's web site did you see this is a feature? Link? It is a feature of Google Voice Actions, but I don't believe it is a Vlingo feature.

I don't see why it is bad enough that there are 2 threads about this app when this forum has like 100 threads on the same exact things. To the original poster, I use Vlingo all the time and wish I could help but I don't really understand what you need to do with it?
This app is sweet, and who cares if there is 2 threads, life goes on people.

Loving the new car feature! :)
I wowed a friend.
I use the InCar all the time at home and in my car, but it would be really cool if we could have the voice activated feature run in the background. So i could use my phone like normal at home and also be able to just say "Hey Vlingo" to have it do something. instead of having the app itself open all the time.

I think this app is one step closer to turning our phones into the J.A.R.V.I.S. computer from the Iron Man movies...Would love that!