My apologies, it wasn't Vlingo's web site, but a BBGeeks blog. In this post, they talk about setting up Note2Self - it *was* two years ago and a beta version for BB so maybe there was a reason it didn't make it to production:Cross-post from the news thread:
I really want to use this for Note to self but it opens up a web browser instead of sending a message to... myself. I saw on their website that you need to set up the type of message and where to send it, but my options don't have those settings. Any ideas?
1) No need to cross post. it is bad enough that there are two threads on this app. We don't need to see the same posts in both threads if we are following them.
2) Where on Vlingo's web site did you see this is a feature? Link? It is a feature of Google Voice Actions, but I don't believe it is a Vlingo feature.
Taking Vlingo speech recognition for a spin | BBGeeks
With Google Voice Search, you can say "note to self" and it will send an email to you *from* you. That really works well for me because even though I might not open a separate app to type out or look at things I want to remember, I *always* look at my email so it's there to remind me.I don't see why it is bad enough that there are 2 threads about this app when this forum has like 100 threads on the same exact things. To the original poster, I use Vlingo all the time and wish I could help but I don't really understand what you need to do with it?