Grandfathered unlimited data: I had a 3G pcmcia air card from the old 128kbps days just before the switch to 3G. It was started on an unlimited data contract, long before the 5GB caps were put into place. VZW always honored my true unlimited on that line, even through upgrades to a usb aircard after the 5GB cap was placed. Usually ran about 12GB every month.
I bought my first 4G phone with unlimited data in April 2012 and used the free hotspot until July 7th when I added the Unlimited Hotspot package to that line, data usually running 15+GB every month.
I upgraded my Droid X (unlimited 3G phone data, no hotspot) to a Bionic about 3 weeks ago. I kept the unlimited data, it converted to a 4G Unlimited plan with no problem. 3 days later I called VZW and added the unlimited hotspot to this former 3G account, no problem....and finally let my old 3G aircard go.
VZW doesn't seem to be causing the original 4G adopters any problems about their unlimited plans. They are allowing the older 3G unlimited plans to update to 4G unlimited plans as they said would happen.
Based on my previous experience with the aircard, I have no reason to doubt that once on unlimited we'll be grandfathered from here on out.
I bought my first 4G phone with unlimited data in April 2012 and used the free hotspot until July 7th when I added the Unlimited Hotspot package to that line, data usually running 15+GB every month.
I upgraded my Droid X (unlimited 3G phone data, no hotspot) to a Bionic about 3 weeks ago. I kept the unlimited data, it converted to a 4G Unlimited plan with no problem. 3 days later I called VZW and added the unlimited hotspot to this former 3G account, no problem....and finally let my old 3G aircard go.
VZW doesn't seem to be causing the original 4G adopters any problems about their unlimited plans. They are allowing the older 3G unlimited plans to update to 4G unlimited plans as they said would happen.
Based on my previous experience with the aircard, I have no reason to doubt that once on unlimited we'll be grandfathered from here on out.