I called Tech support today to find out what kind of fixes I could get for my Droid 1 which was locking up during phone calls. The tech said one of the phones on our plan was available for an early upgrade, so I went with the Droid 2. Only problem is the phone that was upgraded is not a smartphone. and the tech said I have to switch that number to the Droid 2 to prevent the full price from being charged.
How do I go about activating it, and then deactivating it so that I can put the Droid 1 number on it, without being charged the full price of a Droid 2?
Your post is slightly confusing, but I think I understand what you're trying to do.
You need to accept the contract extension on the line you used the upgrade on. When you get your phone there will be instructions with an 877 number to dial from a landline to accept the terms and conditions of the contract extension for the upgrade. You call that, follow the instructions as if you were putting that phone on the line you used the upgrade on, right up until the end where it asks "To activate phone on this line now, press one. To activate later, press two" Choose to activate later. Then, from the droid 2, dial *228, choose option 1 at the voice prompt, and put in the number you want that phone to actually be on.
Hope that's not too confusing. If all else fails, you can always call customer service for help.
Exactly what you need to do! Next time, just do an alternate upgrade and you won't have this problem again as you'll be using just the eligibility of one line to upgrade another line..should save you ALOT of headache in the future!