Verizon..Motorola is in China I think! Haha!!
I've got a 3-line family plan with two Droids and one HTC Touch Pro2; all three were upgrades and activated in February and won't be eligible for upgrade pricing until 9/26/2011.
The problem is that, especially in comparison to the Droid, the HTC Touch Pro2 sucks. Bulky, laggy, WM6.5...just a bad combination. We wanted a worldphone but in February there were no Android options, just Blackberry and WM.
Now with the upcoming Droid Pro rumored to be the Droid 2 World Edition, we'd love to somehow be able to get it this year at the 2-year upgrade price once it's released in the next month or so.
Is this possible/likely? We've been on VZW for 5 or 6 years FWIW.
My family has been going month to month for some time now, and I'd like to sign a new family plan contract to get the subsidized price on the Droid X.
I notice also that I can get 3 free feature phones for the other lines. However, everyone else is happy with their current, old Razr and Palm phones. So, to me it appears that I could purchase the Droid X for $200, get 3 free "Pantech Jest"s by ordering online, and easily net ~$140 each for them on ebay.
Is there any process I need to go through before I can sell these phones for others' direct use or any other reason why this won't work or is unacceptable?
I tried talking with a representative in a local corporate store, but she was even unwilling (or unable) to tell me if people could just keep these phones as spares without activating them (I never mentioned selling them).
I hope someone here can help. These Jests have been out of stock for a long time, and usually disappear fast. So, I'd like to take advantage of this deal while it lasts, if possible, and get to some development work and Droid X fun .
Also, if someone *did* want to get a new phone without a data package, would you have any suggestions on a feature phone? The Jest commands a high price, but it appears gimmicky for actual use.
Thanks! =)
If they aren't activated, you will be charged the full retail for each one. The Reality is a great substitute for a smartphone for your other lines as well.
If they aren't activated, you will be charged the full retail for each one. The Reality is a great substitute for a smartphone for your other lines as well.
So, if I understand correctly, I would need to unbox the phones, activate each on their respective lines (same as associating ESNs with lines?), then associate the ESNs of the old phones back to the lines, and then I would be free to sell the new phones without being charged retail? (And activating the old phones would make the new phone ESNs clear, right?)
Activating the phones on my lines is the process to make the phones "officially" mine, and mine to sell as I see people doing with their old phones without being charged retail?
Edit: Clarification
Edit 2: If this is indeed the process, do I have to keep the phones activated for a particular amount of time, or is it enough that they were merely activated at some point (for a day, an hour, or a month)?