I have been looking through the Droid Forums over the last few weeks trying to decide which Droid would be best for me. Or since my contract is totally over on Jan 5 2011, contemplating whether I should go with another cell company.
Well after doing research, my plan was to stay with Verizon and upgrade from my LG Dare which I got Jan 5 2009 to the Droid X.
Now here is the problem I am having - even though my phone and the two other phones on my Nationwide Talk and Text Family plan are Jan 5 2009 upgrades or older. The website shows our contract ends Jan 5 2011 and that my line with the Dare is not eligible for an upgrade until May 7 2012.
I called up Customer Service to find out what happened and why is this? Basically the answer I got was: you changed your primary line. All that I could remember doing is when I called a couple of months ago to take off the data plans from my Dare and my daughter's Voyager - they mistakenly switched my daughter's phone line to the primary line and I had called them up to correct the matter. The answer they had for me is upgrade one of the other lines on your acct and switch it to your line. Why would anyone in their right mind do this?? All of the lines on our plan should be eligible if it wasn't for something they did!
I feel like I am getting drug through red tape. I asked them to check my account and to find out why when my contract ends Jan 5 2011 am I not eligible to upgrade my phone and for that matter I don't even have to stay with Verizon after that date. Why would I wait till after my contract ends and then wait another year and a four months after that date to upgrade my cell phone? Which at that date the Dare would be 3.5 yrs old.
I finally get the the Rep to understand how this made no sense and they said they could try and manually enter the upgrade in the system and see if it would go through but "you know you will not be eligible for the instant rebate because you did not order your phone from the website even though I know you can't do this because of the system. Sorry there is nothing I can do about it". I hung up - very upset.... Where is someone like me - a bill paying Verizon customer with a preferred customer card in my wallet supposed to turn too? ... Who is there to talk to - to cut through all this freaking red tape? Questioning if I even want to stay with the company at this point....
This is where its a good time to get a store manager involved. They will most likely not be able to change the upgrade date themselves, but they have the capability of sending it to someone who can. and also they should be able to see the last time you signed a contract, that should be what dictates your upgrade eligibility, not whether or not you change items on your plan. And if they unknowingly changed something on your plan, you have the full right to get it fixed, and if you cant find someone who will, all you have to do is climb to another rung to get the issue fixed. The major thing is you just have to play it cool.