Okay, so this one has me baffled. I thought I knew what I was doing in this regards, but maybe I'm wrong.
This first came up a couple of weeks ago. I had a customer come in and set up a mobile broadband device. They already had an employee discount from their workplace on the account and when the prorate receipt printed out, it reflected that discount on the MBB device. I had thought that MBB was exempt from Employee Discounts, so I shrugged it off as the prorate receipt being wrong.
However, a week or so ago I set up my own MBB device on a completely new account (my phone is on a different account). Just for giggles, I set up my employee discount for my other job (yet another thing that Brown can do for you!). Much to my surprise, the employee discount is being applied to my MBB device.
Curious, I called my Indirect Account Manager and he told me flat out that employee discounts would not apply to MBB devices but yet here I am, with VZW.com telling me that my $35 mifi plan is only going to be $27 and change because of the 22% discount.
The reason I'm curious is because I want to throw my tablet, which I have been using as wifi only up til now (don't ask), onto my account but only on the $20 plan since I'll hardly use any actual network data since I'm in wifi about 90% of my day. Mostly so I will have an actual phone number for the tablet and can get Google Voice set up for texting.
Any insight from other Indirect Agent employees or Direct employees?