Ok, I'm really confused here. The current version of web top is a disaster. It's a nice comment, but the execution is terrible. Even with rebooting my phone, closing all the running phone apps, only using one firefox tab at a time, and disabling flash, it is still terrible. It's constantly freezing for a few seconds at a time, and the web top will actually reboot itself. The rebooting issue got so bad I actually sent it back to Motorola for repair.
I'm using a completely stock bionic with a bionic lap dock.
That pretty much sums it up :biggrin:
There appeared to be a whole slew of faulty lapdocks out there whihc might have also been a problem of yours?
Either way I don't see webtop 3 as the best thing ever but it certainly makes me happy for the simply fact it runs smooth thanks to ICS. Anything on GB was absolute rubbish. And I recommend no one gets their panties in a wad "just yet" as ICS OTA hasn't been released and there's still time for change/improvements. While doubtful it could happen. And even then after the OTA drops there's still a chance for more improvements to get pushed after that. Don't know about anyone else but I'm not keeping this phone forever especially with JB on the way down the pike. Can't say it enough times that people just need to be thankful ICS was even ported for the Bionic. Motorolla/Verizon could've told all of us to stick it and there's nothing we could've done about it. After all, this is exactly one way they get people to upgrade phones. Why upgrade if your phone makes you happy and and it works? You don't.
ICS leak has taken my irritating Bionic to a most pleasant and usable device. C'mon OTA and thank you Verizon and Motorolla!