Thank you for the welcome, coming of consecutive HTC Droid's and just purchased the M today...very impressed already and excited to see what Moto brings to the table.
I consider my knowledge of Android average at best, did root and ROM both HTC, but not up to date or current on all the specs of every droid on the market. I used the info that you Android wizards in this forum and the Rezound forum to help with my decision between the two. In reading comments on this forum, it appears that Moto's biggest appeal of this phone is lost, and that is...IT'S A BUDGET PHONE! It was not designed to be the greatest phone on the planet and comparing it with current phones that were is pointless. No, it doesn't have an 2250p xtraHD screen or a 62mp front cam, cause it's $100!!! The Maxx and SIII are STILL 2x as much and they've been out for months or closer to a year...This phone is half their price and a week old! Now, if it has legitimate issues like maybe the 4G reception, that's a different matter...but other than that, can we quit comparing it to obviously better phones? Guess what, if I wanted to spend $200 the M never woulda crossed my radar. And if ur currently using a Maxx or Jesus' phone and are considering this, yes, it's not going to be to your standards, obviously. For those who are on a budget, or don't want to carry a laptop in ur pocket/on your hip, this phone is awesome! Finally, regardless of what you think, I'm not targeting ANYONE specifically in this or any other thread, just a reocurring theme I've noticed. I'll be the first to admit 96% of members here know more about mobile devices than I do. Sorry for the rant...I'm ready for the incoming blasting, haha