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Welcome to the Galaxy Nexus Development Section!

are you ready for some football............oh wait that's not right...
what are we doing in here again.. oh yeah rom development .
lets just say there are plans in place for me(and some friends) to again earn that badge to your left.

Oh wooooooooord?

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
What was the g2x debacle? I must of missed it.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

it was so bad at release that tmobile stopped selling it for 2 months until lg put out an update. that was promised and promised again and miraculously appeared shortly after a class action lawsuit was files. the phone had reboots,lockups, some had back bleeding so bad the screen (which is beautiful with a good one) was useless yellow hues. people had refurbs that the update would not update for another month in a half after the update came out. even with the gb update gps still doesnt work(stock) luckily its unlocked so people that know how to program made it work but its still slow. lg continues to not fix the phone further. the phone was advertisd with a great camera app and front cam resolution. with the update they just put in the stock gb camera app which took away much of the great features of the camera that people purchased the phone for.
Only buy an lg phone if you never want any real support and if you have any problems with the phone return it and run.
its a shame lg is coming out with a killer phone(specs) but they have no idea how to program and a history of being one if not the worse company in updating their phones. supposedly they have said they will upgrade the g2x to ics but that wont be until next summer if at all and they also have a history of promising updates that never come.
the gb update was done with a froyo kernel so its not really gb either.
after 3 months the phone with a custom rom became usable but i am still using my droid mainly. i use it for tethering 4g thats about it.
^^ That's pretty crazy. It is amazing what you do not here being on a primarily VZW site.
are you ready for some football............oh wait that's not right...
what are we doing in here again.. oh yeah rom development .
lets just say there are plans in place for me(and some friends) to again earn that badge to your left.

So now that GNex is back up to 32gb storage and presuming there are no problems at release are you back on board?!!!
I like your 2 week rule! Very good idea - you avoid the initial bombardment of people rushing out to get the device as well as the "Hey! This don't work! That don't work!" potential. I wish I had your will power! The only way I can hold off on the Gnex is, if like you said, we start hearing about some first quarter 2012 devices before (if?) it drops.
I added a line in order to get discount pricing on a new device and picked up a "rental" Razr. Not feeling it (even as a rental) and I will be bringing it back today and going back to the TBolt. So essentially, I will have an upgrade in my back pocket ... maybe I can exercise some eagle-like will power and see what the future holds, but I doubt it :biggrin:

ROFLMAO - Yank has no willpower...he will buy the Gnex on day one...right along with me :).... need to get Eagle to start warming up his dev skills....has no problem being a guinea pig if needed
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Yeah T-Dev, you know me too well LMAO! I've tortured myself by watching several GNex videos since that last post & it will be mine ASAP! :D

Sent from my TBolt ... For a limited time only
so i was at bestbuy the other day and a i was playing wit the rezound, a random dude comes up to me and says, "wait two weeks, dont buy that rezound because there will be a phone that will kill every phone out there." so i acted a little dumb and asked oh what kind of phone will it be. and we whispers "galaxy nexus, not the galaxy s2 but something bigger and better." and he went to tell me he worked for verizon since 1999 and he got a word saying the phone will be released on dec 8.

i dont know about you guys but I got pretty excited to hear this from a random verizon worker!!!

:icon_ banana:dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid
so i was at bestbuy the other day and a i was playing wit the rezound, a random dude comes up to me and says, "wait two weeks, dont buy that rezound because there will be a phone that will kill every phone out there." so i acted a little dumb and asked oh what kind of phone will it be. and we whispers "galaxy nexus, not the galaxy s2 but something bigger and better." and he went to tell me he worked for verizon since 1999 and he got a word saying the phone will be released on dec 8.

i dont know about you guys but I got pretty excited to hear this from a random verizon worker!!!

:icon_ banana:dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid
yup. sounds exciting.... what are your thoughts for pricing on this bad boy? .........
cannot obtain root

So I was the second one in line this morning when my local VZ opened!! I have tried every method I have come across to unlock the bootloader and nothing is happening?? Im using MAC here are the instructions I am following (to a T) could there be "assumed" steps in these instructions. I need things pretty spelled out :/ I have rooted my X several times on froyo and GB so Im not a total noob:/ any help is appreciated

How To Root Your Samsung Galaxy Nexus Using SuperBoot

PDATE (unlocked and rooted) now I can relax :)
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