I am curious about the logic behind task killer draining the battery. I've used it since the 3rd day with my Droid. My friend who is a Verizon Rep recommended it. My wife got a Droid last weekend and the Rep installed it before we left the store. I understand the OS is supposed to regulate tasks on its own but I kill apps all the time that run in the background using tk. My battery life is very acceptable. I charge during the night and always good till the next night with 50percent or better batt life remaining. I just don't understand how using one app all the time in order to shut down many others is considered less economical towards battery life than always having several apps running? I'm not trying to make any argument here..just looking for insight. Why is relying on the OS for management better for battery life when apparently the OS lets these unused apps continue to run? I know u can force close manually but atk just seems quick and accessible.
Well, in a Windows world everything you are saying is correct. In the android world, as I understand it, you are off base. The apps that we normally think of as being active are not. In Android when an app is not on the screen they are totally asleep and not drawing power. Android will kill any app that it needs to in order perform whatever tasks come up. The app is sitting in ram and it is not drawing any addition power.
Also, with apps sitting in ram, they are instantly available when you need them. If you task kill them, then they will have to be restarted and loaded before you can use them. Also, almost everyone that uses a task killer ends up in the habit of killing everything, or almost, before they put the Droid to dark - more battery drain.
The Verizon rep installed Advanced Task Killer on my droid and I deleted it as soon as it was explained to me how Android manged apps. I have always had excellent battery performance and end most days at 11 PM with 40-60% battery left and that is with running overclocked at 950 mhz. IMHO, task killer are a best a benign waste of time and the worse is causing additional battery drain and are slowing down your Droid. But for your OCD, there is no better program.
Also, don't take all this too seriously - it is just a phone after all and one man's opinion.