It's a phone camera, not a DSLR
What overexposure? What the heck are you saying? The GN pic isn't overexposed, and if was, that'd be another negative on its camera. My roommate has a Rezound. I'll take some identical side-by-side pics later, if that's what you really want. I'm not the first to say this camera sucks, and I certainly won't be the last so you'd better get used to that. It's not bashing or reaching and rambling. It's plain and simple observation. Anybody who has touched a Rezound will tell you without a doubt that it's a MUCH better camera. There's simply no denying that.
If we all say the Rezound camera is better will you stop posting?
You act like because the Nexus doesn't match the Rezound's camera that it's terrible. It's nonsense.
camera is fine here, my nude preggo pics of my gf look great lol dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid:icon_ banana:
Or how about you just skip over my posts, if it bothers you that much. What if it is a software issue that could be easily fixed? If everybody behaves like a mindless fanboy and never voices any concern, things like this would go unnoticed. The more people speak out about certain things, the more likely they are to be fixed. Look at the Bionic. If it wasn't for all the complaining, how would Moto/Verizon know what bugs to address in their next update?
There must be a bunch of idiots on XDA too, that get outsmarted by their camera, because some are also complaining.
Post pictures from your Galaxy Nexus! - xda-developers
Having owned this thing for a while, I'm fairly confident in my ability to take a picture with a cell phone, but thanks for checking.