Ok, so maybe that's what I've been doing wrong? I've been just hitting the button as soon as I hold it up to something... I was super excited about the no lag feature. (that's important with kids that don't sit still) I've yet to even see a green box, so that must be my issue. Thanks for the tip! I'll try again tomorrow. I really really want to love this phone and have been eagerly anticipating it for a long time, so I hope the camera works better now that I know this little secret. ;-)
if your kids are like mine and have issues staying still you won't really be that impressed even after the focus "secret" indoor/low light shots of my kids have been awful, they weren't amazing with the rezound either I mean low light is hard for a camera with such a small lens/sensor to handle.. I will say that the rezound camera is better in all other situations though, i should know I had it for almost a month. low light stills (like of stuff other than kids) with the rezound was better. If you in it for the camera your better off with the Rezound..