Thought this was goofy. Now I'm hooked!
When I first read this post, I thought, "Who cares?".
Now I'm hooked! I check this stuff all the time.
So, since reading the post, my "Uptime" is 48 hours, 42 mins.
Time since unplugged is one day, nine hours - and counting.
Only on a Droid (or comparable phone, if there
is such a thing!) can you keep track of such minutia. But then, these are hand-held computers. The phone aspect is but a small, almost afterthought portion of its capabilities. I wonder why laptop manufacturers haven't gotten on the bandwagon and come up with a way for
their buyers to make phone calls... Jussssst kidding!
Mark my words, at some point Droid-like hand-held computers will be way more powerful and capable than they are now, and they
won't make phone calls. We'll have to roll out our old LG510's for that.